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Lake Titticaca!

Tee hee! Alright, so as soon as I stopped typing yesterday, my day began to improve. A LOT. I had a fabulous day! As I plugged away and organized things in my office, my energy slowly came back to me � it is so DRAINING on the body and mind to be out of commission for four days. By the end of the day I felt buoyant and giddy! So there�s my little update.

Tonight, school. Tomorrow, I shop. This weekend is PSYCHO! Everyone seems to have been on a social hiatus until now. There are gallery openings , birthday celebrations, concerts, and even a Technomania Circus event, ALL of them involving friends that I haven�t seen in ages! Hmm. Can she do it all? I can tell you that right now, I feel like I can. I mean, I�m wearing my boots, and in these hot leather and laces, I can do ANYTHING. Hee hee.

What is it with February 8? The Saturday to end all Saturdays, the night it was all scheduled at once! I�m picturing in my mind a silly 1950�s movie advertisement about this Saturday, that�s how crazy it is.

That�s all you get for now, I�m a busy woman.


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Lake Titticaca! 2003-02-05 9:19 a.m. Tee hee! Alright, so as soon as I stopped typing yesterday, my day began to improve. A LOT. I had a fabulous day! As I plugged away and organized things in my office, my energy slowly came back to me � it is so DRAINING on the body and mind to be out of commission for four days. By the end of the day I felt buoyant and giddy! So there�s my little update.

Tonight, school. Tomorrow, I shop. This weekend is PSYCHO! Everyone seems to have been on a social hiatus until now. There are gallery openings , birthday celebrations, concerts, and even a Technomania Circus event, ALL of them involving friends that I haven�t seen in ages! Hmm. Can she do it all? I can tell you that right now, I feel like I can. I mean, I�m wearing my boots, and in these hot leather and laces, I can do ANYTHING. Hee hee.

What is it with February 8? The Saturday to end all Saturdays, the night it was all scheduled at once! I�m picturing in my mind a silly 1950�s movie advertisement about this Saturday, that�s how crazy it is.

That�s all you get for now, I�m a busy woman.