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Funny, I completely blanked on the fact that I had a deposition at the office this morning � oops! It�s a good thing I get here early every day. Taken care of. Now, to the other hundred things I have to do (all involving typing and paperwork, so I couldn�t be happier, and NO, I�m not being sarcastic � I prefer to work alone on solid projects like these).

Anyone watch this generation�s Elephant Man last night? Sad, freaky, wrong. I only caught half of it, but it was more than enough (and here I was planning on the whole 2 hours!) A peek into the life of an extremely disturbed sociopath. Wow. At least I was comfortable watching it, complete with a foot-stool and entertainment to distract me from the commercials.

Tonight, gallery opening in Oceanside. Tomorrow, baby shower in Chula, Technomania in Hillcrest. Sunday, makeup party and fetish meeting. When will I study? HUH?? WHEN WILL I STUDY??? The answer is, I�ll find time. I�m looking forward to being out and about after my hermit-time. (Pronounced quickly and with effect, like �hammer-time�)

Last night was lovely, M.s. and I had dinner with Spider Monkey and O.H. at a Chinese restaurant I�d never been to before. Delicious food, wonderful company, and the atmosphere was complete with a gold and red, ornate ceiling, exotic fish in a tank, and good, home, Chinese cookin�. Nummy.

After dinner, some Wacko Jacko and some multi-tasking. I fell asleep content and satisfied, after fooling around with some belongings. Nothing like wrapping and unwrapping your things to give you that sense of receiving gifts over and over again. Hee, hee.

Have a great weekend! Mine will be busy, social, psycho, and filled with wonderful people. Oh, yeah.


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You go now! 2003-02-07 10:21 a.m. Funny, I completely blanked on the fact that I had a deposition at the office this morning � oops! It�s a good thing I get here early every day. Taken care of. Now, to the other hundred things I have to do (all involving typing and paperwork, so I couldn�t be happier, and NO, I�m not being sarcastic � I prefer to work alone on solid projects like these).

Anyone watch this generation�s Elephant Man last night? Sad, freaky, wrong. I only caught half of it, but it was more than enough (and here I was planning on the whole 2 hours!) A peek into the life of an extremely disturbed sociopath. Wow. At least I was comfortable watching it, complete with a foot-stool and entertainment to distract me from the commercials.

Tonight, gallery opening in Oceanside. Tomorrow, baby shower in Chula, Technomania in Hillcrest. Sunday, makeup party and fetish meeting. When will I study? HUH?? WHEN WILL I STUDY??? The answer is, I�ll find time. I�m looking forward to being out and about after my hermit-time. (Pronounced quickly and with effect, like �hammer-time�)

Last night was lovely, M.s. and I had dinner with Spider Monkey and O.H. at a Chinese restaurant I�d never been to before. Delicious food, wonderful company, and the atmosphere was complete with a gold and red, ornate ceiling, exotic fish in a tank, and good, home, Chinese cookin�. Nummy.

After dinner, some Wacko Jacko and some multi-tasking. I fell asleep content and satisfied, after fooling around with some belongings. Nothing like wrapping and unwrapping your things to give you that sense of receiving gifts over and over again. Hee, hee.

Have a great weekend! Mine will be busy, social, psycho, and filled with wonderful people. Oh, yeah.