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Ah, yes, I had forgotten about those annoying people in my office, no wonder why I instinctively dreaded getting up and coming here. And yet� I�m unbelievably grateful. I�m grateful that I HAVE a job, that I woke up in a warm bed with someone I love laying next to me (my alarm clock with dimples). Grateful for the cloudy sky, the car that takes me to work, running water for my toothbrush. Simple things, everything. What put me in this mode of thinking? Several events over the weekend, including a speech on being grateful� but I�ll get to that.

Friday night, all dressed up with cleavage in faux fur and tall leather boots, I brought M.s. (in even higher, yet not taller boots) with me to the gallery opening . A crowded house, new people to meet, spectacular work, and Gregory strumming away in the corner. What a treat! I can remember going to see him play with the Rugburns at Java Joe�s back in the day, when they still did those poetry/music events there. Seeing him and the Hatchett Brothers with Lizzie and Faye at the Ould Sod every Wednesday. I promised him I�d stop by on a Wednesday soon, so we�ll have to make that happen (you hear that, Lizzie?! Let�s GO!)

After the gallery, we picked up my father. Just back from Europe (safely), he appreciated our outfits and was proud to be getting into the car with the hot-freaks all done up in sexy-black, because my dad is cool . What a joy to have him home!

Saturday, a day at the park with Jack Jr., Ollie & Diane, oh, and M.s. as well. We frolicked on a BEAUTIFUL day, poked fun at the lawn-bowlers in white, walked around the Botanical Garden, through the jungle, and checked out the latest MOPA exhibit (well-done indeed!) A beautiful day, wonderful company, and the fresh air and sun on my face. Wonderful. After some afternoon relaxing, we met back up with Ollie, Diane, & Ronaldo, and headed up north to have a delicious and bountiful Chinese-style dinner. Great food, great company. After dinner we discovered (okay, Ron discovered) the Japanese grocery store! I have never seen a place before FILLED with so many wonderful things! The packaging is hilarious, and you cannot get those candies anywhere else (unless you went to Japan, of course). I am definitely going back to that place to discover even more!

Sunday, I went to CHURCH with Dad. I don�t really consider this place a �church,� as it is non-denominational and 80% homosexual (something not usually seen in traditional organized religion). Dad calls it "The Church of What's Happening Now." Guy gave a speech, and he tied in philosophy greats, Frankl and Buddha, Emerson and a handful of Sufi poets. Before he stepped down, he invited us to do an exercise of appreciation � being grateful. Something I always try to keep at the forefront of my mind, something that had recently been sneaking away into the back as other, more fearful and ugly emotions are always, in each of us, trying to push their way to the front-row of our minds. What a great reminder. How wonderful to sit between my father and a friend, to see Rev Kev again (an old friend, and even someone who at one time, was my boss), to be around caring people in my community. Wonderful.

The rest of the day was spent with my father, as we visited my mother and saw my sisters and my nephew, as we hit up Sears to finally use those gift certificates we got in December.

I chose to relax and start on some homework instead of going to the Casbah for the show. I think that was the smart thing to do, and I�m grateful for the fact that I got enough sleep.

After such a great and full weekend, it�s no wonder I�m appreciative. I�m going to focus on that today, no matter what presents itself, in whatever form it chooses. I will be grateful.


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GRATEFUL 2003-03-24 9:32 a.m. Ah, yes, I had forgotten about those annoying people in my office, no wonder why I instinctively dreaded getting up and coming here. And yet� I�m unbelievably grateful. I�m grateful that I HAVE a job, that I woke up in a warm bed with someone I love laying next to me (my alarm clock with dimples). Grateful for the cloudy sky, the car that takes me to work, running water for my toothbrush. Simple things, everything. What put me in this mode of thinking? Several events over the weekend, including a speech on being grateful� but I�ll get to that.

Friday night, all dressed up with cleavage in faux fur and tall leather boots, I brought M.s. (in even higher, yet not taller boots) with me to the gallery opening . A crowded house, new people to meet, spectacular work, and Gregory strumming away in the corner. What a treat! I can remember going to see him play with the Rugburns at Java Joe�s back in the day, when they still did those poetry/music events there. Seeing him and the Hatchett Brothers with Lizzie and Faye at the Ould Sod every Wednesday. I promised him I�d stop by on a Wednesday soon, so we�ll have to make that happen (you hear that, Lizzie?! Let�s GO!)

After the gallery, we picked up my father. Just back from Europe (safely), he appreciated our outfits and was proud to be getting into the car with the hot-freaks all done up in sexy-black, because my dad is cool . What a joy to have him home!

Saturday, a day at the park with Jack Jr., Ollie & Diane, oh, and M.s. as well. We frolicked on a BEAUTIFUL day, poked fun at the lawn-bowlers in white, walked around the Botanical Garden, through the jungle, and checked out the latest MOPA exhibit (well-done indeed!) A beautiful day, wonderful company, and the fresh air and sun on my face. Wonderful. After some afternoon relaxing, we met back up with Ollie, Diane, & Ronaldo, and headed up north to have a delicious and bountiful Chinese-style dinner. Great food, great company. After dinner we discovered (okay, Ron discovered) the Japanese grocery store! I have never seen a place before FILLED with so many wonderful things! The packaging is hilarious, and you cannot get those candies anywhere else (unless you went to Japan, of course). I am definitely going back to that place to discover even more!

Sunday, I went to CHURCH with Dad. I don�t really consider this place a �church,� as it is non-denominational and 80% homosexual (something not usually seen in traditional organized religion). Dad calls it "The Church of What's Happening Now." Guy gave a speech, and he tied in philosophy greats, Frankl and Buddha, Emerson and a handful of Sufi poets. Before he stepped down, he invited us to do an exercise of appreciation � being grateful. Something I always try to keep at the forefront of my mind, something that had recently been sneaking away into the back as other, more fearful and ugly emotions are always, in each of us, trying to push their way to the front-row of our minds. What a great reminder. How wonderful to sit between my father and a friend, to see Rev Kev again (an old friend, and even someone who at one time, was my boss), to be around caring people in my community. Wonderful.

The rest of the day was spent with my father, as we visited my mother and saw my sisters and my nephew, as we hit up Sears to finally use those gift certificates we got in December.

I chose to relax and start on some homework instead of going to the Casbah for the show. I think that was the smart thing to do, and I�m grateful for the fact that I got enough sleep.

After such a great and full weekend, it�s no wonder I�m appreciative. I�m going to focus on that today, no matter what presents itself, in whatever form it chooses. I will be grateful.