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from Manic to Meditative

�To sit alone in the lamplight with a book spread out before you, and hold intimate converse with men of unseen generations � such is a pleasure beyond compare.� - Kenko Yoshida

I am loving this week�s quotes on AWAD! All about our love affair with books. Mmm, love affairs. But something else is on my mind right now � miserable people, and how pathetic yet sometimes amusing they can be. This morning I changed lanes, and apparently the person in front of me tried to change as well, but I didn�t realize it (no blinker) until I was already in the new lane. The red Jeep thingy had to get behind me in the new lane. Ooh, she freaked out. She was screaming and honking and her face was contorted (unfortunate, because she�s a young, pretty one), and though I couldn�t make out the words, I could feel the obscenities flying my way.

Huh. I caught her gaze in my rearview, smiled widely and waved a happy little wave. Poor thing. She was SO angry. It must be hard to put on your eyeliner and change lanes at the same time, then suddenly have to honk and freak out. I know, I know, shhhhhh. It�s okay. You�re almost at work now.

Speaking of work. There are a few here that just depress me to be around. Bitter old harpies, angry with the world and anyone who seems to be doing well in this life. I used to get really offended by them. But now, I have that same feeling of pity and amusement that I had for that angry driver this morning. A few minutes ago, the most bitter of harpies stormed into my office to throw some paperwork at me, her words came out in a sneer, �I don�t know WHY it came with MY records, but HERE!� I smiled widely, said, �Gee, that is odd, but thank you for bringing it over!� Most cheerily, I met her eyes and smiled. She�s the one who tried to keep me from getting promoted, for whatever reasons. She�s the one who sniffs around my office to make sure I�m not getting anything that the rest of them aren�t.

That must take a LOT of energy. I find it funny, and I even egg her on a bit. I think I�m going to go tell her about my new computer (as of this week!) Maybe I should tell her I�m up for a big raise and see where she goes with that information. The possibilities are endless, and when it comes to my amusement, I can be one devious bitch.

Today will be a great day. It�s cloudy out, M.s. was smiling as I walked out the door, Ollie gets in tonight, and I�m feeling very, very powerful. It�s amazing what an even disposition can do to my moods. When you don�t let the silly things phase you, when you can remove yourself emotionally from the situation and look on objectively, things seem so much simpler. I kinda like it.


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from Manic to Meditative 2003-10-16 8:36 a.m. �To sit alone in the lamplight with a book spread out before you, and hold intimate converse with men of unseen generations � such is a pleasure beyond compare.� - Kenko Yoshida

I am loving this week�s quotes on AWAD! All about our love affair with books. Mmm, love affairs. But something else is on my mind right now � miserable people, and how pathetic yet sometimes amusing they can be. This morning I changed lanes, and apparently the person in front of me tried to change as well, but I didn�t realize it (no blinker) until I was already in the new lane. The red Jeep thingy had to get behind me in the new lane. Ooh, she freaked out. She was screaming and honking and her face was contorted (unfortunate, because she�s a young, pretty one), and though I couldn�t make out the words, I could feel the obscenities flying my way.

Huh. I caught her gaze in my rearview, smiled widely and waved a happy little wave. Poor thing. She was SO angry. It must be hard to put on your eyeliner and change lanes at the same time, then suddenly have to honk and freak out. I know, I know, shhhhhh. It�s okay. You�re almost at work now.

Speaking of work. There are a few here that just depress me to be around. Bitter old harpies, angry with the world and anyone who seems to be doing well in this life. I used to get really offended by them. But now, I have that same feeling of pity and amusement that I had for that angry driver this morning. A few minutes ago, the most bitter of harpies stormed into my office to throw some paperwork at me, her words came out in a sneer, �I don�t know WHY it came with MY records, but HERE!� I smiled widely, said, �Gee, that is odd, but thank you for bringing it over!� Most cheerily, I met her eyes and smiled. She�s the one who tried to keep me from getting promoted, for whatever reasons. She�s the one who sniffs around my office to make sure I�m not getting anything that the rest of them aren�t.

That must take a LOT of energy. I find it funny, and I even egg her on a bit. I think I�m going to go tell her about my new computer (as of this week!) Maybe I should tell her I�m up for a big raise and see where she goes with that information. The possibilities are endless, and when it comes to my amusement, I can be one devious bitch.

Today will be a great day. It�s cloudy out, M.s. was smiling as I walked out the door, Ollie gets in tonight, and I�m feeling very, very powerful. It�s amazing what an even disposition can do to my moods. When you don�t let the silly things phase you, when you can remove yourself emotionally from the situation and look on objectively, things seem so much simpler. I kinda like it.