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Weekend Wedding Wuv

I DO feel energized today! My weekend was filled with wonderful friends. Friday night, I passed out pretty early. A nice dinner out with M.s. (and further confirmation that the Cohn restaurants are just �okay�), and I was ready for dreamland. Saturday, the wedding!

I arrived at Nina�s around 8 a.m. to soothe her nerves and do her makeup (and I must say, she looked DIVINE, both before and after I was done). The wedding was beautiful, with pelicans flying overhead, the couple standing under an arch made by friends at the end of the grass clearing overlooking the ocean. Sigh.

After the short and sweet ceremony, I went with a crowd of friends for breakfast. Yippee! The socializing felt very good, it gives me energy you know, to talk and laugh with people. We walked over to the reception after that, and the next few hours were fun with the bride and groom drinking wine and smiling their giddy little smiles. I got to chat with friends I so rarely get to see. Magnifico!

M.s. and I left the soiree to head to a gallery opening at San Diego State. Chinese photographers, large-scale (and I mean LARGE) color photographs graced the walls, and the photographers themselves were all smiles and nods. I�m really happy we got to see that, the pictures were very different, and some of them were just fun to look at.

After the opening we headed back to the gallery so M.s. could take pictures for the brochure he�s designing. This time, with people in them rather than the empty gallery space (thanks for the idea, Dlove!) M.s. learned again firsthand what a selfish whiner I can be, and though there were laughs and the pictures came out great (and I got to see other friends), the evening rang with tension. M.s. feeling disappointed in me, and me just feeling bad all around. I spent some time that evening trying to figure out what was wrong as I cried and wrote in my journal. Yes, yes, I�m quite the sensitive obsessive-compulsive.

The next morning, we cleared up some confusions and shared our feelings. It�s strange to me how easy that is to do with him. I�ve never been so honest with what was going through my head, and I find that the more honest I am, the more open I am, the easier it is to get through. It was a good lesson to learn, and one that I find I�m learning over and over again. Sometimes, we just have to do it that way before something sticks. Feeling better, understood, a tad bit cowed, but very loved, we headed out to brunch with some friends. Bluetech was in town for the wedding and met up for breakfast with us, Curious G and Shirley (temple, hee hee).

Flattery still rings in my head from Bluetech�s insistence that I write a book NOW, not to wait, and then he told me, �Wit like yours should not go unpublished.� He�s so nice. We dragged the crew back to the gallery to show off M.s.�s talent. Bluetech is thinking of composing pieces inspired by M.s.�s work. I love that they are so appreciative of each other�s talents. Well, they ARE both very talented people, after all. It�s still nice.

I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening writing my paper for tonight�s class. I dreamt about federalism and Jeffersonian Republicans and I woke up singing the Star-spangled Banner. Yeah, I think I�m ready for class tonight. Dropped Daddy at the airport and wore my NEW HAT to work! Sweet, dead rabbit, how I love you on my head in your new red & black colors. You served your purpose well in this world, and continue to live on through my fashion long after your little heart stopped beating and your little feet were removed from your lifeless little body and attached to key chains. Thank you, little rabbit. Thank you.


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Weekend Wedding Wuv 2003-11-10 11:31 a.m. I DO feel energized today! My weekend was filled with wonderful friends. Friday night, I passed out pretty early. A nice dinner out with M.s. (and further confirmation that the Cohn restaurants are just �okay�), and I was ready for dreamland. Saturday, the wedding!

I arrived at Nina�s around 8 a.m. to soothe her nerves and do her makeup (and I must say, she looked DIVINE, both before and after I was done). The wedding was beautiful, with pelicans flying overhead, the couple standing under an arch made by friends at the end of the grass clearing overlooking the ocean. Sigh.

After the short and sweet ceremony, I went with a crowd of friends for breakfast. Yippee! The socializing felt very good, it gives me energy you know, to talk and laugh with people. We walked over to the reception after that, and the next few hours were fun with the bride and groom drinking wine and smiling their giddy little smiles. I got to chat with friends I so rarely get to see. Magnifico!

M.s. and I left the soiree to head to a gallery opening at San Diego State. Chinese photographers, large-scale (and I mean LARGE) color photographs graced the walls, and the photographers themselves were all smiles and nods. I�m really happy we got to see that, the pictures were very different, and some of them were just fun to look at.

After the opening we headed back to the gallery so M.s. could take pictures for the brochure he�s designing. This time, with people in them rather than the empty gallery space (thanks for the idea, Dlove!) M.s. learned again firsthand what a selfish whiner I can be, and though there were laughs and the pictures came out great (and I got to see other friends), the evening rang with tension. M.s. feeling disappointed in me, and me just feeling bad all around. I spent some time that evening trying to figure out what was wrong as I cried and wrote in my journal. Yes, yes, I�m quite the sensitive obsessive-compulsive.

The next morning, we cleared up some confusions and shared our feelings. It�s strange to me how easy that is to do with him. I�ve never been so honest with what was going through my head, and I find that the more honest I am, the more open I am, the easier it is to get through. It was a good lesson to learn, and one that I find I�m learning over and over again. Sometimes, we just have to do it that way before something sticks. Feeling better, understood, a tad bit cowed, but very loved, we headed out to brunch with some friends. Bluetech was in town for the wedding and met up for breakfast with us, Curious G and Shirley (temple, hee hee).

Flattery still rings in my head from Bluetech�s insistence that I write a book NOW, not to wait, and then he told me, �Wit like yours should not go unpublished.� He�s so nice. We dragged the crew back to the gallery to show off M.s.�s talent. Bluetech is thinking of composing pieces inspired by M.s.�s work. I love that they are so appreciative of each other�s talents. Well, they ARE both very talented people, after all. It�s still nice.

I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening writing my paper for tonight�s class. I dreamt about federalism and Jeffersonian Republicans and I woke up singing the Star-spangled Banner. Yeah, I think I�m ready for class tonight. Dropped Daddy at the airport and wore my NEW HAT to work! Sweet, dead rabbit, how I love you on my head in your new red & black colors. You served your purpose well in this world, and continue to live on through my fashion long after your little heart stopped beating and your little feet were removed from your lifeless little body and attached to key chains. Thank you, little rabbit. Thank you.