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Zsa Zsa and More!

My weekend was MOST eventful! Ah, it�s been a long time since I�ve packed a weekend so tight with wonderful people and events. Friday night, I dined with Honey, and boy did we DINE! Indulgence was the word of the evening, from chocolatinis to chocolate cream crepes, delectability was palpable in the air. It was wonderful to spend time with Honey, catching up and sharing stories. As we received the check, I was told dessert was on the house due to my V.I.P. status. Hmm? V.I.P.? I grilled the waitress on just how I obtained this status. She said the woman who took my reservation on the phone wrote my status by my name, and then she made reference to her knowledge that I was involved in a neighborhood business. Probably the gallery, I told her. She introduced herself, shook my hand, said it was a pleasure to meet me and skittered off to other tables. I, of course, was glowing. I do not pretend that I do not totally get off on being very important, in ANY situation. I constantly maintain my intrinsic self-importance to prepare for situations just like this.

Ah, but part of me is kidding (can you guess which part?) I arrived at M.s.�s just in time to say goodnight to his mother and whisk him away to a gathering in honor of Evan. That�s right, Mr. Bluetech was kicking off his European tour at Fizgig�s Palace, and friends were gathering to wish him well. We stopped in briefly, and I received more shit than I needed for leaving so early. This is the deal � I don�t have time for all the parties, and I�m beginning to find them boring.

Saturday was wonderful and full, and M.s.�s cousins came down to join us for an evening of art and dining. From Ray at Night, to Parallel 33, to Extraordinary Desserts, our evening was full and decadent. Great friends appeared, great hugs were exchanged, a beautiful necklace was purchased (and is on my neck right now), and great laughs were had. What fun!

Sunday we had dim sum and then hit up the Farmer�s Market in Hillcrest! Sunshine, people all about, and wonderful colors and things to look at! I love it all. A relaxing afternoon, and then dinner at El Zarape. Quick, in-and-out, and yet plenty of time for my car to be towed. That�s right, my car was towed. I should have paid attention to the signs, so I was only pissed at myself when I discovered another car in the spot where I had parked mine.

Yes, deus ex machina! Another tow-truck appeared to tow the car that took my spot, and I talked the young man into giving me a lift to the tow yard. He helped me save a LOT of hassle. M.s. and his mother walked to get coffee while I went about my adventure of the evening. As tow-man #2 was filling out my paperwork (another blessing, because tow-man #1 called him and asked him to stay and wait for our arrival), I couldn�t help but balk at the charges. �You do realize that I am getting FUCKED in the ASS by this, don�t you?� My voice was slightly raised, but more in incredulity than anger. He felt bad, and I realized it�s just his job, so I backed down. I sucked it up, thanked the universe that it was so quick and easy, bent over and handed over the lube (in the form of my credit card) to take mine.

Shit happens, and I learned an expensive lesson. But all is not lost! We finished up the night with a funny movie, and overall, I think My love�s mother had a fabulous visit. And, I think she likes me. But really, people... how could she not?


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Zsa Zsa and More! 2004-03-15 9:19 a.m. My weekend was MOST eventful! Ah, it�s been a long time since I�ve packed a weekend so tight with wonderful people and events. Friday night, I dined with Honey, and boy did we DINE! Indulgence was the word of the evening, from chocolatinis to chocolate cream crepes, delectability was palpable in the air. It was wonderful to spend time with Honey, catching up and sharing stories. As we received the check, I was told dessert was on the house due to my V.I.P. status. Hmm? V.I.P.? I grilled the waitress on just how I obtained this status. She said the woman who took my reservation on the phone wrote my status by my name, and then she made reference to her knowledge that I was involved in a neighborhood business. Probably the gallery, I told her. She introduced herself, shook my hand, said it was a pleasure to meet me and skittered off to other tables. I, of course, was glowing. I do not pretend that I do not totally get off on being very important, in ANY situation. I constantly maintain my intrinsic self-importance to prepare for situations just like this.

Ah, but part of me is kidding (can you guess which part?) I arrived at M.s.�s just in time to say goodnight to his mother and whisk him away to a gathering in honor of Evan. That�s right, Mr. Bluetech was kicking off his European tour at Fizgig�s Palace, and friends were gathering to wish him well. We stopped in briefly, and I received more shit than I needed for leaving so early. This is the deal � I don�t have time for all the parties, and I�m beginning to find them boring.

Saturday was wonderful and full, and M.s.�s cousins came down to join us for an evening of art and dining. From Ray at Night, to Parallel 33, to Extraordinary Desserts, our evening was full and decadent. Great friends appeared, great hugs were exchanged, a beautiful necklace was purchased (and is on my neck right now), and great laughs were had. What fun!

Sunday we had dim sum and then hit up the Farmer�s Market in Hillcrest! Sunshine, people all about, and wonderful colors and things to look at! I love it all. A relaxing afternoon, and then dinner at El Zarape. Quick, in-and-out, and yet plenty of time for my car to be towed. That�s right, my car was towed. I should have paid attention to the signs, so I was only pissed at myself when I discovered another car in the spot where I had parked mine.

Yes, deus ex machina! Another tow-truck appeared to tow the car that took my spot, and I talked the young man into giving me a lift to the tow yard. He helped me save a LOT of hassle. M.s. and his mother walked to get coffee while I went about my adventure of the evening. As tow-man #2 was filling out my paperwork (another blessing, because tow-man #1 called him and asked him to stay and wait for our arrival), I couldn�t help but balk at the charges. �You do realize that I am getting FUCKED in the ASS by this, don�t you?� My voice was slightly raised, but more in incredulity than anger. He felt bad, and I realized it�s just his job, so I backed down. I sucked it up, thanked the universe that it was so quick and easy, bent over and handed over the lube (in the form of my credit card) to take mine.

Shit happens, and I learned an expensive lesson. But all is not lost! We finished up the night with a funny movie, and overall, I think My love�s mother had a fabulous visit. And, I think she likes me. But really, people... how could she not?