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Getting Shit Done

Life has been hectic. Two days ago, M.s.'s car died for good on the freeway. The good news is, we were close enough to walk home after the tow truck came to take his jalopy to Smitty's to see if there was any hope for it. Turns out there was very little hope, so we're meeting up with someone this afternoon to hopefully replace his old SAAB, the only kind of car that's not a minivan that can transport his large photographic prints.

We just returned from the furniture store, the love seats are officially ordered, as is a funky lamp. We're going to wait a bit for the dining room stuff, this hemorrhaging of money is emotionally painful.

Last night I went out with Spider Monkey, column coming soon. Speaking of which, I have a lot of work to do! Two columns to do in two days and tomorrow I've got things going on from sunup to sunset, no time to write.

Now, before I can get down to business, we have another errand to run. The wall guys are coming Monday, so are the painters, and goodness, gracious, when was the last time I had a pedicure, for fuck's sake?!? All in good time. Right now, shit's gotta get done.


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Getting Shit Done 2005-08-13 12:37 p.m. Life has been hectic. Two days ago, M.s.'s car died for good on the freeway. The good news is, we were close enough to walk home after the tow truck came to take his jalopy to Smitty's to see if there was any hope for it. Turns out there was very little hope, so we're meeting up with someone this afternoon to hopefully replace his old SAAB, the only kind of car that's not a minivan that can transport his large photographic prints.

We just returned from the furniture store, the love seats are officially ordered, as is a funky lamp. We're going to wait a bit for the dining room stuff, this hemorrhaging of money is emotionally painful.

Last night I went out with Spider Monkey, column coming soon. Speaking of which, I have a lot of work to do! Two columns to do in two days and tomorrow I've got things going on from sunup to sunset, no time to write.

Now, before I can get down to business, we have another errand to run. The wall guys are coming Monday, so are the painters, and goodness, gracious, when was the last time I had a pedicure, for fuck's sake?!? All in good time. Right now, shit's gotta get done.