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Respect and Adoration

Bowm chicka bowbowm...

I forget what I was going to write, because I just looked to my left and found some kind of clear liquid stuff covering the outside of one of my makeup containers. ?? Alright, reporting back -- it's sticky, like a gloss or something, but I cannot find its source as nothing else in my makeup case seems to be contaminated. A more thorough investigation will be conducted at a later time.

Pretty soon here I'll start to get ready for my evening out with M.s.! I'm very excited to find out what he has in store for us tonight.

In other news, I'm overflowing with respect for Danielle and her team for staying true to themselves by turning down offers from both Clear Channel and Starbucks for the upcoming festival. Ladies, you are an inspiration to integrity. I'm still STOKED to be involved.

It's a slow week, socially. Not business-wise or responsibility-wise, trust me, I've been on so many walks around the building this week that the gym has become redundant. Just socially. It's Wednesday and tomorrow I have set the entire day aside to go over to the Urban Grind and just concentrate on my work for a whole day -- something I haven't had a chance to do in a while. I'm looking forward to that feeling of accomplishment I know I'll get when I'm done.

Right now, I'm looking forward to a night out with the love of my life.


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Respect and Adoration 2005-10-12 4:32 p.m. Bowm chicka bowbowm...

I forget what I was going to write, because I just looked to my left and found some kind of clear liquid stuff covering the outside of one of my makeup containers. ?? Alright, reporting back -- it's sticky, like a gloss or something, but I cannot find its source as nothing else in my makeup case seems to be contaminated. A more thorough investigation will be conducted at a later time.

Pretty soon here I'll start to get ready for my evening out with M.s.! I'm very excited to find out what he has in store for us tonight.

In other news, I'm overflowing with respect for Danielle and her team for staying true to themselves by turning down offers from both Clear Channel and Starbucks for the upcoming festival. Ladies, you are an inspiration to integrity. I'm still STOKED to be involved.

It's a slow week, socially. Not business-wise or responsibility-wise, trust me, I've been on so many walks around the building this week that the gym has become redundant. Just socially. It's Wednesday and tomorrow I have set the entire day aside to go over to the Urban Grind and just concentrate on my work for a whole day -- something I haven't had a chance to do in a while. I'm looking forward to that feeling of accomplishment I know I'll get when I'm done.

Right now, I'm looking forward to a night out with the love of my life.

Jen - 2005-10-13 00:05:09
so what did he have in store? :) -- Jen
Barbarella - 2005-10-13 11:55:42
Hi, Jen! He took me to the theater! I had a hunch when he told me I shouldn't wear feathers on my head that we'd be in a show-like environment. We went to see Bad Dates down at the Lyceum (I LOVE theater). The actress was AMAZING. And so was my beh beh. This morning we slept in for the first time in a while (all the way to 8!) I'm a happy girl. Now it's off to the coffee shop to get some work done and later, I pick up my new sunglasses (picture forthcoming, as soon as I can get them on my face and take a snapshot)!