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When Squirrels ATTACK

Today, I was ATTACKED by a squirrel.

I am the laughing stock of the ER room at Scripps Mercy Hospital, and I had to layer bandaids on my left middle fingertip to be able to type this.

OUCH. But I recognize that to everyone around me, this is funny.

This is why there will be a story and pictures of the adorable squirrel that is responsible for my pain and humiliation presented to you soon, both in the Reader and here on my blog.

I still think they're cute.


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When Squirrels ATTACK 2005-11-12 4:05 p.m. Today, I was ATTACKED by a squirrel.

I am the laughing stock of the ER room at Scripps Mercy Hospital, and I had to layer bandaids on my left middle fingertip to be able to type this.

OUCH. But I recognize that to everyone around me, this is funny.

This is why there will be a story and pictures of the adorable squirrel that is responsible for my pain and humiliation presented to you soon, both in the Reader and here on my blog.

I still think they're cute.