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Pictures of... Me and other people!

A few pictures to tide you over, I know sometimes it's so hard, all those words without a break for your eyes.

Here's a fuzzy shot of M.s. and me at his birthday dim sum!

At the same brunch, here are Mia and me. Aren't her eyes the most beautiful shade of green?

And finally, you've been very, very naughty. At least that's what I've been telling My slave. Santa Barbarella knows how to regulate.

Next year, it will be full regalia with matching corset. It's fun to have things to work towards, you know. Tonight, we're off to a cocktail party! None of my red shirts fit anymore (I'm down about four sizes on top, why does the torso shrink faster than the asso?) so I guess I'll be heading out to use these gift certificates the "real" santa (my mom) gave me. There are only so many days in a row one can wear all black without having to write a poem.


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Pictures of... Me and other people! 2005-12-27 6:27 p.m. A few pictures to tide you over, I know sometimes it's so hard, all those words without a break for your eyes.

Here's a fuzzy shot of M.s. and me at his birthday dim sum!

At the same brunch, here are Mia and me. Aren't her eyes the most beautiful shade of green?

And finally, you've been very, very naughty. At least that's what I've been telling My slave. Santa Barbarella knows how to regulate.

Next year, it will be full regalia with matching corset. It's fun to have things to work towards, you know. Tonight, we're off to a cocktail party! None of my red shirts fit anymore (I'm down about four sizes on top, why does the torso shrink faster than the asso?) so I guess I'll be heading out to use these gift certificates the "real" santa (my mom) gave me. There are only so many days in a row one can wear all black without having to write a poem.