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Sunday Workin' and Pic from Last Night

Last night was fun! We got to listen to some great music while eating tasty treats (and drinking foofy beverages) and then, between bands, I would get up on stage and do my thing (calling out raffle tickets, making fun of my friends and family who came out to hang, and whatever else came into my mind, nothing fancy).

Here's a picture Jenny took of me before I went on stage for the first time. I must have been moving on that drink, because here I am a ghost!

Both she and M.s. were playing with their new cameras. More pictures to come! Today is Sunday, so I am working, as I do every Sunday because I can never seem to get ahead like I want to. But it's all good. I'm having a blast and living my life. I'll get ahead when it suits me.

Tomorrow night, I will by up to my elbows in... cheese. I'll tell you why later. For now, back to work!


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Sunday Workin' and Pic from Last Night 2006-03-05 2:41 p.m. Last night was fun! We got to listen to some great music while eating tasty treats (and drinking foofy beverages) and then, between bands, I would get up on stage and do my thing (calling out raffle tickets, making fun of my friends and family who came out to hang, and whatever else came into my mind, nothing fancy).

Here's a picture Jenny took of me before I went on stage for the first time. I must have been moving on that drink, because here I am a ghost!

Both she and M.s. were playing with their new cameras. More pictures to come! Today is Sunday, so I am working, as I do every Sunday because I can never seem to get ahead like I want to. But it's all good. I'm having a blast and living my life. I'll get ahead when it suits me.

Tomorrow night, I will by up to my elbows in... cheese. I'll tell you why later. For now, back to work! anastasia - 2006-03-06 01:23:21
Wow, your chins are in double vision you're moving so fast! I thought you hated kids so it's nice to see maybe you don't with this event.
Barbarella - 2006-03-06 09:44:32
Yes, that's a common misconception. I do not want to have children and it's true, I do not generally enjoy hanging out with them (my niece and nephews the exception). This doesn't mean I hate them. In my opinion, children are innocent and when they are sick, it is heart-breaking because they don't understand why they are going through such pain. Because I don't get directly involved, like my dad, with Make-a-Wish or other organizations, I donate my time and energy and money in other ways that benefit these children.