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Modern Fairy Tale

My column this week is all about my relationship with the love of my life. You can see it HERE.

I love having the ability to tell people en masse how I feel. I don't know why I like it so much, maybe because it makes those feelings seem so much more REAL. Like if everyone knows, I can't deny that I felt a certain way. It keeps me honest, it makes me think, it forces me to analyze and ponder. And that, I like, for whatever reasons.

People and their thoughts fascinate me. How they relate to one another, what offends or excites them. And they're all so different. One person might think something is funny and another person might become livid over the same thing.

My column next week features my love as well, I just sent it in yesterday. We have a lot of fun together. There is no one with whom I'd rather share this ride we call life than the partner at my side, M.s., my love, my darling David.


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Modern Fairy Tale 2006-03-08 12:22 p.m. My column this week is all about my relationship with the love of my life. You can see it HERE.

I love having the ability to tell people en masse how I feel. I don't know why I like it so much, maybe because it makes those feelings seem so much more REAL. Like if everyone knows, I can't deny that I felt a certain way. It keeps me honest, it makes me think, it forces me to analyze and ponder. And that, I like, for whatever reasons.

People and their thoughts fascinate me. How they relate to one another, what offends or excites them. And they're all so different. One person might think something is funny and another person might become livid over the same thing.

My column next week features my love as well, I just sent it in yesterday. We have a lot of fun together. There is no one with whom I'd rather share this ride we call life than the partner at my side, M.s., my love, my darling David. Barbarella - 2006-03-08 19:55:55
That's deep. My answer? All of the above.
Fester Bestertester - 2006-03-08 17:44:28
Okay, I'm confused. You're article is about the love of your life, but in the next paragraph of your post, you proceed to elaborate on how much you love experessing your feelings to everybody... Hmmm...maybe what you really love is your feelings?