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Responsibilities and Shit

"This doesn't mean Oprah is bad for you...However, an older woman's fondness for the show could signal a possible problem." Mental decline is linked to Daytime TV -- click it to believe it. Finally, the doctors have proven my theory!

Today I have an appointment to do my taxes. The accountant I used last year has been MIA, not returning my calls. I must have waited too long to call her, and she's teaching me a lesson. But no worries, we'll try out these H&R people. I really hope they don't suck. I'll let you know how my experience goes. But do I have my shit in order? Most of it. I organized my receipts and line-itemized my write-offs over a month ago. Now, I just need help plugging in the information and making sure I'm getting all the deductions that I am due, and not missing any line I'm supposed to sign.

I fucked up my taxes once, thought I was "head of household" because my sister lived with me. Nope. The following year I owed an additional thousand because of my ignorant flub. I really don't want to do that again.

Today is Tuesday and tonight we will hang with Fizgig and Nina! and Mellie! I've been looking forward to this evening for days! Much fun will be had by all.

Tomorrow morning is my HOA meeting. Have I mentioned how much work it is to be an HOA president? I should write an article about it. Between this week and next I will spend at least 12 hours on HOA stuff, including meetings, trainings, budget overhaul, and other fun stuff, like raising payments. Everyone wants something done, but nobody wants to do it, few people want to pay for it, and everyone complains to me about it.

Why this? Why that? How come not this or that? When this? When that? All great questions, I've thought them myself. I fall to my knees with gratitude for the few, very few who have actually stepped forward with solutions and suggestions and the willingness to help. They give me hope.

I have a bit of lunge-butt this morning. Charlie will be proud. Bastard tried to kill us yesterday. But my iPod is fully charged and here I go again, like a rat who gets used to the electric buzzer and keeps going back for the reward, despite the pain.


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Responsibilities and Shit 2006-03-21 6:38 a.m. "This doesn't mean Oprah is bad for you...However, an older woman's fondness for the show could signal a possible problem." Mental decline is linked to Daytime TV -- click it to believe it. Finally, the doctors have proven my theory!

Today I have an appointment to do my taxes. The accountant I used last year has been MIA, not returning my calls. I must have waited too long to call her, and she's teaching me a lesson. But no worries, we'll try out these H&R people. I really hope they don't suck. I'll let you know how my experience goes. But do I have my shit in order? Most of it. I organized my receipts and line-itemized my write-offs over a month ago. Now, I just need help plugging in the information and making sure I'm getting all the deductions that I am due, and not missing any line I'm supposed to sign.

I fucked up my taxes once, thought I was "head of household" because my sister lived with me. Nope. The following year I owed an additional thousand because of my ignorant flub. I really don't want to do that again.

Today is Tuesday and tonight we will hang with Fizgig and Nina! and Mellie! I've been looking forward to this evening for days! Much fun will be had by all.

Tomorrow morning is my HOA meeting. Have I mentioned how much work it is to be an HOA president? I should write an article about it. Between this week and next I will spend at least 12 hours on HOA stuff, including meetings, trainings, budget overhaul, and other fun stuff, like raising payments. Everyone wants something done, but nobody wants to do it, few people want to pay for it, and everyone complains to me about it.

Why this? Why that? How come not this or that? When this? When that? All great questions, I've thought them myself. I fall to my knees with gratitude for the few, very few who have actually stepped forward with solutions and suggestions and the willingness to help. They give me hope.

I have a bit of lunge-butt this morning. Charlie will be proud. Bastard tried to kill us yesterday. But my iPod is fully charged and here I go again, like a rat who gets used to the electric buzzer and keeps going back for the reward, despite the pain.