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Politics, Murder, and New Stuff

"Words ought to be a little wild, for they are the assault of thoughts on the unthinking." -- John Maynard Keynes

So, the results are in. I am particularly relieved that Prop 85 did NOT pass. Early this morning, I was under the assumption that it did, and I was beside myself with frustration, anger, indignation. And what's with all the states that amended their constitutions to ban gay marriage? Don't you people know that eventual tolerance in this regard is inevitable? Why are you fighting it so hard? How the hell does it affect you personally in any way shape or form?

Separation of church and state. Look it up. Understand it. Learn how you, too, can have beliefs that differ from those around you and still manage to survive. Move into a big city. Get to know people of various ethnicities/religions/orientations/backgrounds and remove your narrow skull from that hole in the ground. For humanity's sake, if not for your own. Okay, I'm done ranting now.

In other, not so frustrating but still just as tragic, news, MY COLUMN this week is about how I assisted in a terrible murder of one very innocent animal. It's one of the more horrific and memorable events of my life.

Love me? Hate me? Please share your sentiments with my editor, he's always got an ear out for feedback.

David and I just spent most of the day shopping. My man has purchased his first pair (and then some) of designer jeans! The brand names don't matter, what counts is how cute his ass looks in these more tailored cuts. We both did some serious damage and racked up some miles, but we are set for our winter travel (Boston, Martha's Vineyard, and Tokyo)!

Last night we entertained, and had amusing and stimulating conversation with a few fabulous people for nearly four hours. Ah, to be social again. Friday and Saturday night, more of the same. Tonight and tomorrow night, though, I just want to curl up and watch a movie, or read this great book Amy suggested to me ("The House of the Spirits" by Isabel Allende).

Wrap me in a bubble, in my own little world in which no one forces their beliefs upon me, in which people respond to situations with a mixture of emotion and logic, and not just one or the other.

It looks like it's going to rain outside. I really hope it does.


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Politics, Murder, and New Stuff 2006-11-08 3:42 p.m. "Words ought to be a little wild, for they are the assault of thoughts on the unthinking." -- John Maynard Keynes

So, the results are in. I am particularly relieved that Prop 85 did NOT pass. Early this morning, I was under the assumption that it did, and I was beside myself with frustration, anger, indignation. And what's with all the states that amended their constitutions to ban gay marriage? Don't you people know that eventual tolerance in this regard is inevitable? Why are you fighting it so hard? How the hell does it affect you personally in any way shape or form?

Separation of church and state. Look it up. Understand it. Learn how you, too, can have beliefs that differ from those around you and still manage to survive. Move into a big city. Get to know people of various ethnicities/religions/orientations/backgrounds and remove your narrow skull from that hole in the ground. For humanity's sake, if not for your own. Okay, I'm done ranting now.

In other, not so frustrating but still just as tragic, news, MY COLUMN this week is about how I assisted in a terrible murder of one very innocent animal. It's one of the more horrific and memorable events of my life.

Love me? Hate me? Please share your sentiments with my editor, he's always got an ear out for feedback.

David and I just spent most of the day shopping. My man has purchased his first pair (and then some) of designer jeans! The brand names don't matter, what counts is how cute his ass looks in these more tailored cuts. We both did some serious damage and racked up some miles, but we are set for our winter travel (Boston, Martha's Vineyard, and Tokyo)!

Last night we entertained, and had amusing and stimulating conversation with a few fabulous people for nearly four hours. Ah, to be social again. Friday and Saturday night, more of the same. Tonight and tomorrow night, though, I just want to curl up and watch a movie, or read this great book Amy suggested to me ("The House of the Spirits" by Isabel Allende).

Wrap me in a bubble, in my own little world in which no one forces their beliefs upon me, in which people respond to situations with a mixture of emotion and logic, and not just one or the other.

It looks like it's going to rain outside. I really hope it does.