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Fighting words and NEW columns!

"It is easier to lead men to combat, stirring up their passion, than to restrain them and direct them toward the patient labors of peace." -- Andre Gide

The same could be said for a lot of things -- it's easier to manipulate people when you get their emotions riled up. Like that congressman's proposal to force women to view an ultrasound before going through with a planned abortion. Does that mean her circumstances will suddenly change? No. Does it mean she's going to have an epiphany and realize she wanted to be a mommy right now, whether or not she has money or stability or the resources to raise a child or whether or not she's interested in the potential complications and health risks of carrying to term? Probably not. Could it potentially be disturbing and fuck with her emotions? Most definitely. It's no surprise to me that it's a congressMAN. I stand by the hypothetical: if men were the ones going through all this, abortion wouldn't be the giant ethical dilemma it is. All we are mourning is the potential of a person, not an actual person, but the idea of one, usually the idea of our fantasies and how we would want or expect our mini-mes to end up. Not a cluster of cells. But I could go on forever about this and I have other things to share.

Like, a COLUMN about a BABY. Supporting a woman's right to choose is not synonymous with baby-hating. I love my sisters' children. That they CHOSE to have.

The Calendar Event of the Week this week is about Mexican stereotypes. Check it out and see if you agree.

And never hesitate to Send a Letter or to comment at the bottom of any stories that inspire you to share your thoughts!

Today is Wednesday. I keep missing my dad when he calls from Korea, and this frustrates me. I've been working a lot this week, and am finishing up the calendar event for next week so that I can go help Jane again tomorrow. Our place is getting ever so closer to being complete (well, the wall part, we still have a lot of other things we'd like to change/add over the next year or so... like lighting).

I see some very fun things on the horizon -- parties, events, gatherings, etc. Then David's family will be here. That's like, TWO weeks away! And April will be crazy, because we have a thousand things we want to do.

But for now, I will get back to work. I want to finish my shit for the day so I can spend the rest of the afternoon and evening with my love.


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Fighting words and NEW columns! 2007-03-21 1:52 p.m. "It is easier to lead men to combat, stirring up their passion, than to restrain them and direct them toward the patient labors of peace." -- Andre Gide

The same could be said for a lot of things -- it's easier to manipulate people when you get their emotions riled up. Like that congressman's proposal to force women to view an ultrasound before going through with a planned abortion. Does that mean her circumstances will suddenly change? No. Does it mean she's going to have an epiphany and realize she wanted to be a mommy right now, whether or not she has money or stability or the resources to raise a child or whether or not she's interested in the potential complications and health risks of carrying to term? Probably not. Could it potentially be disturbing and fuck with her emotions? Most definitely. It's no surprise to me that it's a congressMAN. I stand by the hypothetical: if men were the ones going through all this, abortion wouldn't be the giant ethical dilemma it is. All we are mourning is the potential of a person, not an actual person, but the idea of one, usually the idea of our fantasies and how we would want or expect our mini-mes to end up. Not a cluster of cells. But I could go on forever about this and I have other things to share.

Like, a COLUMN about a BABY. Supporting a woman's right to choose is not synonymous with baby-hating. I love my sisters' children. That they CHOSE to have.

The Calendar Event of the Week this week is about Mexican stereotypes. Check it out and see if you agree.

And never hesitate to Send a Letter or to comment at the bottom of any stories that inspire you to share your thoughts!

Today is Wednesday. I keep missing my dad when he calls from Korea, and this frustrates me. I've been working a lot this week, and am finishing up the calendar event for next week so that I can go help Jane again tomorrow. Our place is getting ever so closer to being complete (well, the wall part, we still have a lot of other things we'd like to change/add over the next year or so... like lighting).

I see some very fun things on the horizon -- parties, events, gatherings, etc. Then David's family will be here. That's like, TWO weeks away! And April will be crazy, because we have a thousand things we want to do.

But for now, I will get back to work. I want to finish my shit for the day so I can spend the rest of the afternoon and evening with my love.