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All KINDS of Cool Shit

It�s not for a few more weeks, but I�m so excited that I just HAVE to tell you now! I�m going to New York with My wonderful s, and while we are there, we are going to see Stomp , then The Blue Man Group , and THEN De la Guarda !!!! Holy percussion, Batman! What a great time this will be! More on that as the day approaches, for now, I have a few other little updates.

Kaya is BACK! He and his wonderful lady got in a few days ago, and it was a wonderful surprise to see them both last night, as we all bid Blove farewell to Ecuador. Funny, in my office I have a picture of the returning couple on one wall, and the smiling face of Blove on the other. I love my traveling friends! One day, I hope to be one.

After work, I�m getting my streaks re-reddened by Ronaldo ! Ah, sweet vibrancy. Speaking of work, this morning I had a meeting with the HMFIC, and it seems as if I�ll be working directly with him. This is how it started: �So, Barb, you�ve been here, in a paralegal capacity, for how long?�

�Well, I�ve been here for a year, but working as a paralegal, about 6 or 7 months I believe.�

�Hmm. How do you feel about the work, are you getting a handle on it?�

�I�m extremely confident with my ability to handle cases. There is a wonderful support system here, and everyone is very helpful. I learned it all very quickly, as I said I would the first day you met me.�

�Hmm. Good, good. I�m going to have you working directly for me on the cases I bring in.� At that, he whipped out a folder, briefed me quickly on a new case, recited 5 tasks that need to be taken care of to completion, and asked me if I had any questions. �No. And thank you, I look forward to working with you directly.� HOO-YA!

Movin� on up. In other �other� news, and some more bragging (does she EVER stop?) I got my papers back in class last night, with grades. That�s right, a PERFECT score on everything. 100% baby, across the board. BAM! Fuck yeah! (as exclaimed by Jack Black in his Kielbasa sausage song).

AND, to top it all off? I look so hot today, the Brit chic in the office said she wanted to do me. That�s right, baby. Curly hair and all. Now I need to get to work on that task list and let some air out of my head. Feels damn good, being me.


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All KINDS of Cool Shit 2003-02-13 9:36 a.m. It�s not for a few more weeks, but I�m so excited that I just HAVE to tell you now! I�m going to New York with My wonderful s, and while we are there, we are going to see Stomp , then The Blue Man Group , and THEN De la Guarda !!!! Holy percussion, Batman! What a great time this will be! More on that as the day approaches, for now, I have a few other little updates.

Kaya is BACK! He and his wonderful lady got in a few days ago, and it was a wonderful surprise to see them both last night, as we all bid Blove farewell to Ecuador. Funny, in my office I have a picture of the returning couple on one wall, and the smiling face of Blove on the other. I love my traveling friends! One day, I hope to be one.

After work, I�m getting my streaks re-reddened by Ronaldo ! Ah, sweet vibrancy. Speaking of work, this morning I had a meeting with the HMFIC, and it seems as if I�ll be working directly with him. This is how it started: �So, Barb, you�ve been here, in a paralegal capacity, for how long?�

�Well, I�ve been here for a year, but working as a paralegal, about 6 or 7 months I believe.�

�Hmm. How do you feel about the work, are you getting a handle on it?�

�I�m extremely confident with my ability to handle cases. There is a wonderful support system here, and everyone is very helpful. I learned it all very quickly, as I said I would the first day you met me.�

�Hmm. Good, good. I�m going to have you working directly for me on the cases I bring in.� At that, he whipped out a folder, briefed me quickly on a new case, recited 5 tasks that need to be taken care of to completion, and asked me if I had any questions. �No. And thank you, I look forward to working with you directly.� HOO-YA!

Movin� on up. In other �other� news, and some more bragging (does she EVER stop?) I got my papers back in class last night, with grades. That�s right, a PERFECT score on everything. 100% baby, across the board. BAM! Fuck yeah! (as exclaimed by Jack Black in his Kielbasa sausage song).

AND, to top it all off? I look so hot today, the Brit chic in the office said she wanted to do me. That�s right, baby. Curly hair and all. Now I need to get to work on that task list and let some air out of my head. Feels damn good, being me.