�I like to believe that people in the long run are going to do more to promote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it.� -- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Poignant quote. My father works with the government, so as much as I agree with that quote, I can understand the views of those who think war is necessary. It�s an interesting mental space to be in, and I learn more every day� yet nothing I have learned has swayed me completely one way or the other. Crazy times, these. For his next trip, my father was given instructions that included having a will prepared. It included what to do if captured, how to behave in ways that can prevent capture. This is very REAL to me, this is very close to HOME for me, and knowing the risk he is in is scary for me.
I understand the risks of war. I want peace. I happen to think that if women were in charge of the nations world-wide, we wouldn�t have these pissing-missile contests. We wouldn�t have these religious wars, as we have had for thousands of years. But, right now we DO have men heading up these countries, and we DO have a government that wishes to oust the head of another country. However strategic or however it benefits us as a country, however it weakens and pains another country, I will root for my team. If you don�t think those asshole politicians, Republican OR Democrat, see this as a sport and competition, than you are more disillusioned than I am.
Think I�m sexist? A bit, perhaps. But I sure do have a LOT of history to back me in my theory. Name one war that was started by a woman in power who ALSO had a panel backing her with a female majority. Hasn�t happened. Would it? I don�t think so, but I�m sure we could speculate until we�re blue in the face.
It all comes down to this in my mind � war is a man�s game. And yes, I do think that makes women a superior gender, for yet another reason. However, having said that, my father is a man. My friends are men. My lover is a man. I love them all dearly, and respect each accordingly. All intelligent and thoughtful, the exceptions to the rule if you look at the statistics, which is why knowing them doesn�t change my opinion about the majority of their gender. The �stronger� sex is far from the �most effective� sex when it comes to matters of the state. In MY opinion. Believe it or not, I�m not trying to promote misandry� just pointing out the fact that it is the men in our history who have created religions, controlled the governments, provoked wars and crusades, and headed up every genocide.
I�m not fond of Hilary at all, and I don�t even know if I spelled her name correctly� but if she runs for president, the dickless bitch has got my vote.
Note to friends: don�t take this personally, and don�t think you fall into this brutish category if you�re anyone I know� you should know better than to think that I would attack YOU. See, this is directed at the proverbial �man.� You know, the one you BURN every year. So I imagine you�re with me in this.
Another note: I better get my glasses today, AND our presentation last night received a PERFECT score. Apparently, the only time our professor has given a perfect score to first-time presenters. That�s right, school is a competitive event, and yet again, I WIN.
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