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Feelin' Geeky

I thought I was just tired, but no, I had a full-blown allergy attack on the way! This morning, I walked into my office and sneezed, dripped, itched and coughed for almost 20 minutes. I took a Claritin, and I�ve been clear for the last hour� whew! No wonder why I couldn�t open my eyes this morning, they were hiding from the air outside! It�s okay, I�m alright now.

Holy technological advancement, Batman! Look at what I got yesterday!! A NEW PHONE! Go go gadget power! I also got an amazing little digital dictionary and thesaurus, 220,00 words, that�s right. I best not excite myself too much, I AM in the office, you know. I love my new stuff. I can�t wait to pour over the manuals after work today, try out all the ring options, screen savers, oh my!

Yes. I am digging this little picture thing, I can�t wait until this evening when the activation kicks in. For all of you who know me, realize that this means my number is changing, no more personalized phone number, it�s completely random and ordinary now, much unlike the new phone itself. Oh, the price we pay for the cool shit, the utter compromises I�ve had to make in order to have this color, this capability � all worth it, I�m sure.

That�s all you get for now, I�m having a busy morning full of snotty claims adjustors and senile clients who can�t remember what type of car hit them, how it hit them� I�m beginning to think some of these people hallucinated their injuries to begin with. Fucking litigation. Stupid people, greedy people, incompetent people, sneaky people. I�m so happy that the majority of my friends don�t fit into those categories. It was lovely to hang with Ollie last night as he helped M.s. hang something much bigger than all of us.

I can�t wait to see those up! Cool shit, man. Cool shit. Tonight, I better see Bobo, else I�m going to have to hunt him down like an animal. We WILL catch up, and I WILL return his gem of a gem. How nice that will be for many reasons. Tomorrow, Zimbabwe & Spider Monkey and dinner. So much to look forward to! And all I want to do is hide out and read all about my new gadgets. I�m such a geek.


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Feelin' Geeky 2003-04-09 11:14 a.m. I thought I was just tired, but no, I had a full-blown allergy attack on the way! This morning, I walked into my office and sneezed, dripped, itched and coughed for almost 20 minutes. I took a Claritin, and I�ve been clear for the last hour� whew! No wonder why I couldn�t open my eyes this morning, they were hiding from the air outside! It�s okay, I�m alright now.

Holy technological advancement, Batman! Look at what I got yesterday!! A NEW PHONE! Go go gadget power! I also got an amazing little digital dictionary and thesaurus, 220,00 words, that�s right. I best not excite myself too much, I AM in the office, you know. I love my new stuff. I can�t wait to pour over the manuals after work today, try out all the ring options, screen savers, oh my!

Yes. I am digging this little picture thing, I can�t wait until this evening when the activation kicks in. For all of you who know me, realize that this means my number is changing, no more personalized phone number, it�s completely random and ordinary now, much unlike the new phone itself. Oh, the price we pay for the cool shit, the utter compromises I�ve had to make in order to have this color, this capability � all worth it, I�m sure.

That�s all you get for now, I�m having a busy morning full of snotty claims adjustors and senile clients who can�t remember what type of car hit them, how it hit them� I�m beginning to think some of these people hallucinated their injuries to begin with. Fucking litigation. Stupid people, greedy people, incompetent people, sneaky people. I�m so happy that the majority of my friends don�t fit into those categories. It was lovely to hang with Ollie last night as he helped M.s. hang something much bigger than all of us.

I can�t wait to see those up! Cool shit, man. Cool shit. Tonight, I better see Bobo, else I�m going to have to hunt him down like an animal. We WILL catch up, and I WILL return his gem of a gem. How nice that will be for many reasons. Tomorrow, Zimbabwe & Spider Monkey and dinner. So much to look forward to! And all I want to do is hide out and read all about my new gadgets. I�m such a geek.