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Pain, Power, and Pleasure - so to speak

�Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.� � Kahlil Gibran

Unless of course, you don�t recognize pain as a gift and a lesson, in which case it just sucks until the pressure lessons for a bit or something distracts you enough to forget about it for a while. But then, the pressure may increase again, the distractions may go away. And they always go away. My point is this � those who utilize their pain to grow in new ways are those who will end up with the most peace in their lives. Never resign yourself to any situation. Situations change like the weather on the east coast, and if we don�t adapt and grow, we will be grown over. Thoughts inspired by the quote for the day, and yet, I feel as if these words have been dangling at the precipice of my subconscious, waiting to jump into consciousness and be realized, even if just for the length of a paragraph -- for now.

God, I feel great this morning! I wonder what it is. I feel alert, aware, in control. Must be the boots. I helped Faye grade some English tests last night. Got to have dinner with my lovely sister and my brother in law and love. I got to chase my nephew around the hardwood floor in socks and watch him bang on the piano as I poked notes next to him in staccato.

I learned that I�m more allergic to some red wines than others. After as few as three sips, my face became as red as this url, my chest constricted and breathing was difficult. I do believe I�ll stick to white from now on, although the ports never seem to bother me. Mm, port. Port and chocolate. Port and cheese. But I digress.

Tonight, I hope to catch Frank with the Hatchett Brothers (he wasn�t there last week, and he tends to bring a LOT of energy to the crew, though each of the boys is quite talented in his own right). That is, after Ted�s gallery opening. Big night, a lot happening, all fun! It�s a good thing my class doesn�t start until next week, I wouldn�t be able to do it all if I had homework and group meetings looming over me (another reason I probably feel so free today).

An ode to coworkers in the form of a quote: �Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.� � Hanlon�s Razor. Unless of course, the source of your misery can in any way, shape or form, be traced to me, in which case, assume an elaborate, strategic operation has taken place right under your nose. Hee hee, just kidding� of course. Mwuaaahhaaahaaa. I need to stop reading this Witch book. Almost done, and what a great read it has been thus far. But again, I digress.

I saw a bumper sticker the other day that read, �Too bad stupidity isn�t painful.� Wouldn�t THAT teach us to learn our lessons in life pretty quickly, eh? Alright, back to work for me. And then, it�s party-time.


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Pain, Power, and Pleasure - so to speak 2003-04-23 10:32 a.m. �Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.� � Kahlil Gibran

Unless of course, you don�t recognize pain as a gift and a lesson, in which case it just sucks until the pressure lessons for a bit or something distracts you enough to forget about it for a while. But then, the pressure may increase again, the distractions may go away. And they always go away. My point is this � those who utilize their pain to grow in new ways are those who will end up with the most peace in their lives. Never resign yourself to any situation. Situations change like the weather on the east coast, and if we don�t adapt and grow, we will be grown over. Thoughts inspired by the quote for the day, and yet, I feel as if these words have been dangling at the precipice of my subconscious, waiting to jump into consciousness and be realized, even if just for the length of a paragraph -- for now.

God, I feel great this morning! I wonder what it is. I feel alert, aware, in control. Must be the boots. I helped Faye grade some English tests last night. Got to have dinner with my lovely sister and my brother in law and love. I got to chase my nephew around the hardwood floor in socks and watch him bang on the piano as I poked notes next to him in staccato.

I learned that I�m more allergic to some red wines than others. After as few as three sips, my face became as red as this url, my chest constricted and breathing was difficult. I do believe I�ll stick to white from now on, although the ports never seem to bother me. Mm, port. Port and chocolate. Port and cheese. But I digress.

Tonight, I hope to catch Frank with the Hatchett Brothers (he wasn�t there last week, and he tends to bring a LOT of energy to the crew, though each of the boys is quite talented in his own right). That is, after Ted�s gallery opening. Big night, a lot happening, all fun! It�s a good thing my class doesn�t start until next week, I wouldn�t be able to do it all if I had homework and group meetings looming over me (another reason I probably feel so free today).

An ode to coworkers in the form of a quote: �Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.� � Hanlon�s Razor. Unless of course, the source of your misery can in any way, shape or form, be traced to me, in which case, assume an elaborate, strategic operation has taken place right under your nose. Hee hee, just kidding� of course. Mwuaaahhaaahaaa. I need to stop reading this Witch book. Almost done, and what a great read it has been thus far. But again, I digress.

I saw a bumper sticker the other day that read, �Too bad stupidity isn�t painful.� Wouldn�t THAT teach us to learn our lessons in life pretty quickly, eh? Alright, back to work for me. And then, it�s party-time.