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Relaxing weekend, a wedding & a strap-on

Now, this is just all kinds of science fiction-turned reality . The things that we can do with medicine today blow my mind. Operating on fetuses? Wow.

But this has nothing at all to do with ME. Let�s talk about ME, that�s why we�re here, isn�t it? Okay, then. I saw X2 - yay! But better than that, I saw a preview for Matrix 2. Bow down. I cannot wait to see that movie. This weekend, overall, was very mellow for me. I shirked all of my social obligations and hung out with M.s., watched some movies, did my homework, basically, I relaxed. I finished Ender�s Game, Orson Scott Card�s masterpiece. WOW! I�m addicted. I never knew I liked science fiction novels, but I must say, I may just dip a little deeper into the genre. That is, right after I finish this new Tom Robbins novel, Villa Incognito. It holds much promise.

Oh, I almost forgot! I went to a wedding. At the risk of sounding like a snooty bitch, OH MY GOD, you should have seen these poor people. Liquor bottles in paper bags, grand-pappy�s stories about his guns, daddy�s missing teeth and crack-whore girlfriend, a friend�s account of his encounter at a �red-neck bar,� and his proud declaration of his homophobia. Wow. Ignorance IS bliss, and now I understand why. Alright, alright. I AM a snooty bitch. Watch out.

I had a LOT of fun with a strap-on yesterday, I�m not going to tell you much more than that. All I will say is, I can�t wait to add the spikes. The big ones. Hee hee.

A cloudy day, I�m in a great mood, and I�m getting work done with a smile. Yesterday was my little sister�s birthday. I hope she had a good one this year.

That�s it for now, I�d hate to go into details that would shock and horrify you, and yet on some deep level, tantalize and arouse your kinky senses. Today, I�m thinking a LOT about My slave.


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Relaxing weekend, a wedding & a strap-on 2003-05-05 11:13 a.m. Now, this is just all kinds of science fiction-turned reality . The things that we can do with medicine today blow my mind. Operating on fetuses? Wow.

But this has nothing at all to do with ME. Let�s talk about ME, that�s why we�re here, isn�t it? Okay, then. I saw X2 - yay! But better than that, I saw a preview for Matrix 2. Bow down. I cannot wait to see that movie. This weekend, overall, was very mellow for me. I shirked all of my social obligations and hung out with M.s., watched some movies, did my homework, basically, I relaxed. I finished Ender�s Game, Orson Scott Card�s masterpiece. WOW! I�m addicted. I never knew I liked science fiction novels, but I must say, I may just dip a little deeper into the genre. That is, right after I finish this new Tom Robbins novel, Villa Incognito. It holds much promise.

Oh, I almost forgot! I went to a wedding. At the risk of sounding like a snooty bitch, OH MY GOD, you should have seen these poor people. Liquor bottles in paper bags, grand-pappy�s stories about his guns, daddy�s missing teeth and crack-whore girlfriend, a friend�s account of his encounter at a �red-neck bar,� and his proud declaration of his homophobia. Wow. Ignorance IS bliss, and now I understand why. Alright, alright. I AM a snooty bitch. Watch out.

I had a LOT of fun with a strap-on yesterday, I�m not going to tell you much more than that. All I will say is, I can�t wait to add the spikes. The big ones. Hee hee.

A cloudy day, I�m in a great mood, and I�m getting work done with a smile. Yesterday was my little sister�s birthday. I hope she had a good one this year.

That�s it for now, I�d hate to go into details that would shock and horrify you, and yet on some deep level, tantalize and arouse your kinky senses. Today, I�m thinking a LOT about My slave.