I can�t believe it! My Witches have decided to go back to their coasts and keep east and west separate for now. It was a great run, boys, and I�ll enjoy your individual sites just as much (except for now I�ll have to go to two different pages to see you� tragic). So, it�s Friday. Last night I dined with Spider Monkey and then forced her and her man to watch the Animal Planet with me. I don�t care what you say. Animals on TV are funny.
Odie made it safely to Timbuktu, after a harrowing trip surrounded by screaming brats. My poor, poor slave. Hee hee. I decided not to go out, no, not when this weekend promises to be a party playground. Tonight, mellow, prep-time, oh yeah. But tomorrow! We go downtown, and we be rollin� DEEP. Cabana Boy, Spider Monkey, Punket, people from every crowd are comin� down to get down at Sutra-something-or-other. Doesn�t matter what the name of the place is, the people who will be there are my draw to the place. Yay! Man, I CANNOT seem to clear my throat this morning� I swear, my cats are punishing me somehow for my frequent absence. Spitting hairballs in my mouth while I sleep, and then racing to a predetermined spot on the bed to look like they�ve been laying there comfortably all night when I wake up and wonder why my chest feels so congested. Sneaky little things, I ain�t fooled.
You might notice that I�m �slanging� a lot today. No reason, just a kick-back mood, and lax style. In an hour, I leave for THE DENTIST. Fuck me, I�m not looking forward to it. I called, complaining of pain in my mouth, and they pulled my chart� �Barb, is that on your upper right side?� Why yes, that�s exactly where it is. �We�re gonna squeeze you in for tomorrow morning.� Hmm. Deep, dark cavities. Damn these pansy-ass teeth of mine. Damn them to Hell.
So where does that leave us? Ah, Mother�s Day on Sunday. Of course, there�s ALWAYS a big, important family event the morning after a good party. It�s the one law of Murphy�s that I am oh-too familiar with. I�ll try to hold together for the day, not look too hungover and ruined. I don�t bounce back like I used to, it�s been too long since I�ve partied on a nightly, even weekly basis. If my perfect hair today holds up, I�m going to have a fabulous weekend. Well no shit, what did you expect?
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