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Sentimental, watch out.

Ah, tHERsday. Gotta love it. I left school early last night, hope the teacher didn�t get too upset. I got 100% on the quiz and all of my homework questions were answered and worked out correctly. So, acing math, who�d-a-thunk it? Yes, left school early and headed home to see my father moving washing machines and driers, then I skipped out of there and headed over to M.s.�s for an evening of naughtiness.

A hat-trick of orgasms, so why am I still so randy? rowr Anyway, I�m excited about the SHOW tonight. From what I�ve seen and heard, Andy Goldsworthy is amazingly talented and a documentary about him promises to be awesome. It will be worth it to miss the eclipse of the moon and incite a fight with my sister if I get to see this movie tonight. These next few weeks are going to be socially psychotic.

Tomorrow night, two gallery openings, Saturday night there are three parties AND my father�s birthday. Next week is Margaret Cho (that�s right, baby, and I�m pre-partying with the only Cho crowd appropriate - gay boys), and then a big birthday bash. Plus, friends in town, and I�m moving. Busy, busy!!!

I can dig it. But can I handle it? People at work are bugging me, what else is new? And with all of this going on, the plans, the work, the people, the family, the move, the school... life � one thing is on my mind, one thought that has me feeling mellow and content, has me feeling strong and beautiful, powerful and indestructible, has me feeling alive. The thought? How I love My slave. I�m so happy.


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Sentimental, watch out. 2003-05-15 9:53 a.m. Ah, tHERsday. Gotta love it. I left school early last night, hope the teacher didn�t get too upset. I got 100% on the quiz and all of my homework questions were answered and worked out correctly. So, acing math, who�d-a-thunk it? Yes, left school early and headed home to see my father moving washing machines and driers, then I skipped out of there and headed over to M.s.�s for an evening of naughtiness.

A hat-trick of orgasms, so why am I still so randy? rowr Anyway, I�m excited about the SHOW tonight. From what I�ve seen and heard, Andy Goldsworthy is amazingly talented and a documentary about him promises to be awesome. It will be worth it to miss the eclipse of the moon and incite a fight with my sister if I get to see this movie tonight. These next few weeks are going to be socially psychotic.

Tomorrow night, two gallery openings, Saturday night there are three parties AND my father�s birthday. Next week is Margaret Cho (that�s right, baby, and I�m pre-partying with the only Cho crowd appropriate - gay boys), and then a big birthday bash. Plus, friends in town, and I�m moving. Busy, busy!!!

I can dig it. But can I handle it? People at work are bugging me, what else is new? And with all of this going on, the plans, the work, the people, the family, the move, the school... life � one thing is on my mind, one thought that has me feeling mellow and content, has me feeling strong and beautiful, powerful and indestructible, has me feeling alive. The thought? How I love My slave. I�m so happy.