�Perfect love is rare indeed - for to be a lover will require that you continually have the subtlety of the very wise, the flexibility of the child, the sensitivity of the artist, the understanding of the philosopher, the acceptance of the saint, the tolerance of the scholar and the fortitude of the certain.� - Leo Buscaglia, of course. The true love doctor.
This quote brings M.s. to my mind. I mean, as a perfect lover myself, of course I need to compliment my amazing attributes with someone who comes very near to being as wonderful as I am, yet still allows me to reign superior. So I guess Leo forgot one - humility. Which, as something I have very little of, and something M.s. has much of, is a trait that puts him that much closer to love perfection. Let us not blow too much air in the slave�s direction now, lest he think he is half the amazing man that he is. See, keep �em in the dark, that�s how you maintain control. Don�t let them know just how much they mean to you. Said like a true coward - then again, I don�t see bravery touted up there.
Man, I cannot stop SNOTTING. Ew! I will try to get through a quick update here without going through too many tissues. Margaret Cho was HILARIOUS. I actually slapped my knee several times throughout her act. What talent, what fun, what crass hilarity, what hysterical flair! We had a great time. Saturday, I hung out with Spider Monkey and then headed up to Jimbo & Johnny�s new pad in Solana Beach. Lovely. It�s weird to see those boys surrounded by that furniture and those decorations, the touch of the retired, but once you look out that window... Once you see the ocean at the door and the dolphins in the water, the fresh sea air, oh yeah, it�s them to a T. What a lovely place! And what a great party! Chatting with friends, laughing, a special birthday (oh, that 30!)
And then, upon entering the elevator after leaving the party, it began. Sore throat. What? Where did this come from? Sinus pressure. NOOOOO! Sunday, all of my plans were canceled, and I spent the day in bed, whining and moaning. Achy and poopy. Pathetic. Sick. Wah. Yesterday, I mustered up some energy to stop by a mellow bar-b-cue for the big M day. I ate lots of red meat, and I must have needed it, because I�ve had no stomach problems whatsoever. Then I stopped by to see Pony, in town for the week! She has a daughter, you know. How times change, how they remain the same. Just over a year ago I was writing about the parties with Pony and the girls, living it up and being psychotic, stupid, and having a blast. Now, our Pony-girl is a mommy, settled down in Oregon, happy and content with her family. She emanated contentment, it was beautiful. I hope I get to see her again before she heads back, I still have to meet my little �niece.�
Alright, we�re just about up to date. Flash to me, this morning, after a night of tossing and turning, keeping M.s. awake with horrible noises, snorts and coughs. At the office. Lots of work to do. Final tomorrow at school. Dad coming back early this weekend, and I have yet to pack and move our things upstairs. I will NOT be stressed. One thing at a time, and it will all get done, snotty-head and all.
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