Still sniffly and snotty, but the air is drizzly, so there�s a smile on my face and a spark in my eyes. Sweet invigoration! Speaking of invigorating things, M.s. aside, I�m reading a fascinating novel right now about the variations of our methods of thinking based on the culture comparisons of the East and the West. Mainly, East Asians and Europeans descent. I�ll keep you updated.
I�m fairly confident that I did well on my math test last night. Wait, just checked my student website. I DID do well. Straight A�s, biatch, that�s right. This is my third, and the second half of this math course will only bring me my fourth. Nice.
Tonight I�m having dinner with M.s. and the very talented Wendy, I�m looking forward to it, nice and mellow. Oh! I can�t believe I almost forgot! After class last night, I went to a meeting where they discussed BDSM & the law. Very interesting. I had NO idea that all those DIRTY things I DO could be so ILLEGAL. Huh. Go figure. But since when has that stopped me from doing anything? Hee hee.
Alright, another busy day at the office, and I�m feeling on top of the world (though a tad bit congested), with my hair up and my new necklace on (thank you again, My dear). So let�s get some shit accomplished! Right, right.
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