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Weekend of Art and Opportunity

The nice doctor put me on antibiotics. The same ones my sister sells! No, not the Herpes medication, and I feel for every 1-out-of-how-many-people who have that now, and I hear that medication does wonders, but fortunately for me, I�m talking about the other drug she pushes, Augmentin. The Amoxicillin of the gods. Basically, I have a sinus infection. It�s a damned good thing I don�t smoke anymore, and that I�m taking such good care of myself (read: no recent 3-day benders), because this little sinus infection is nothing compared to the other horrible plagues I�ve brought on myself.

Friday night I spent some quality time with the little sis. She went with me to the pharmacy, we dined on Mexican take-out and chatted the evening away. Then, I went to get Dad from the airport. So nice to have him back! We talked shop (plans for moving) and I headed over to M.s.�s. Saturday morning, after some proper play, we headed to La Jolla with Ollie, and what a day!

First, M.s. took us to Barbarella , and I must say, I think the quote on this page is referring to ME, and not the restaurant when it says, �Barbarella is as addicting as salted peanuts on Dollar Beer Day � but oh so much more refined.� The food was delicious, and when we finished our lunch, Barbara, the restaurant owner, came out to say hello and see how things were. Very cool. From there, we went to the museum to check out Andy Goldsworthy�s exhibit. WOW! After seeing his work in books at M.s.�s, and then seeing his documentary, it was powerful to stand in the rooms where he made these pieces, see these things that will only be up for this exhibit. Very cool.

Feeling quite cultured, we walked over to a main drag, checked out some galleries, and then parked our asses on prime people-watching seats, which whiled the next few hours away. It�s so much FUN to watch people with Ollie and M.s.! No mercy. And La Jolla, what a fucking crowd. You people are hysterical. Back to the Quint gallery for a friend of a friend�s opening, and a little punk-girl asked if she could take my picture, to which I predictably said, �Of course.� A full day in La Jolla, we headed back to M.s.�s to have an impromptu soiree with a fabulous furniture maker (her medium is concrete), Ronaldo, his woman and birthday girl, Ollie and myself. Mmm, gallets. He made them AGAIN! Holy orgasmic dessert, Batman! Yummy.

Sunday, I spent the day at home, cleaning out shit, going through shit, it felt really good. I�m so excited now to move upstairs! Sean was laying floor in the kitchen, and we all took a break to have a late lunch at Phil�s Bar-b-cue. Mmmm, messy. I was up and down, the physical representation of the transitional space between our current living space and our new one. We�re just now starting to feel more attached to the new one. The view is great, and with my father and I moving into a place at the same time, we can organize a little better. Put some stuff in storage and make the place look nice, a place you can relax in. For all the work we have to do this week and into the weekend, I�m looking forward to it. It�s a lot of proletarian work, I may even break a nail or two. But the payoff is priceless. Alright, back to work! LOTS to do.


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Weekend of Art and Opportunity 2003-06-02 9:14 a.m. The nice doctor put me on antibiotics. The same ones my sister sells! No, not the Herpes medication, and I feel for every 1-out-of-how-many-people who have that now, and I hear that medication does wonders, but fortunately for me, I�m talking about the other drug she pushes, Augmentin. The Amoxicillin of the gods. Basically, I have a sinus infection. It�s a damned good thing I don�t smoke anymore, and that I�m taking such good care of myself (read: no recent 3-day benders), because this little sinus infection is nothing compared to the other horrible plagues I�ve brought on myself.

Friday night I spent some quality time with the little sis. She went with me to the pharmacy, we dined on Mexican take-out and chatted the evening away. Then, I went to get Dad from the airport. So nice to have him back! We talked shop (plans for moving) and I headed over to M.s.�s. Saturday morning, after some proper play, we headed to La Jolla with Ollie, and what a day!

First, M.s. took us to Barbarella , and I must say, I think the quote on this page is referring to ME, and not the restaurant when it says, �Barbarella is as addicting as salted peanuts on Dollar Beer Day � but oh so much more refined.� The food was delicious, and when we finished our lunch, Barbara, the restaurant owner, came out to say hello and see how things were. Very cool. From there, we went to the museum to check out Andy Goldsworthy�s exhibit. WOW! After seeing his work in books at M.s.�s, and then seeing his documentary, it was powerful to stand in the rooms where he made these pieces, see these things that will only be up for this exhibit. Very cool.

Feeling quite cultured, we walked over to a main drag, checked out some galleries, and then parked our asses on prime people-watching seats, which whiled the next few hours away. It�s so much FUN to watch people with Ollie and M.s.! No mercy. And La Jolla, what a fucking crowd. You people are hysterical. Back to the Quint gallery for a friend of a friend�s opening, and a little punk-girl asked if she could take my picture, to which I predictably said, �Of course.� A full day in La Jolla, we headed back to M.s.�s to have an impromptu soiree with a fabulous furniture maker (her medium is concrete), Ronaldo, his woman and birthday girl, Ollie and myself. Mmm, gallets. He made them AGAIN! Holy orgasmic dessert, Batman! Yummy.

Sunday, I spent the day at home, cleaning out shit, going through shit, it felt really good. I�m so excited now to move upstairs! Sean was laying floor in the kitchen, and we all took a break to have a late lunch at Phil�s Bar-b-cue. Mmmm, messy. I was up and down, the physical representation of the transitional space between our current living space and our new one. We�re just now starting to feel more attached to the new one. The view is great, and with my father and I moving into a place at the same time, we can organize a little better. Put some stuff in storage and make the place look nice, a place you can relax in. For all the work we have to do this week and into the weekend, I�m looking forward to it. It�s a lot of proletarian work, I may even break a nail or two. But the payoff is priceless. Alright, back to work! LOTS to do.