Whew! Friday afternoon, can you smell it? I can. Fresh, promising air, social activities buzzing, things to do and a little extra time to do them. I�m in a great mood right now. I feel happy and hopeful and able and willing. I have the word, �boxes,� written all over my left hand. Very small and neat, scattered so randomly it�s almost a pattern. From finger to wrist, pinkie to thumb. I won�t forget them today, no!
I will remember them, and I will bring them home, and I will put shit INTO them, and I will carry them upstairs, and I will take shit OUT of them, and then, I will feel accomplished. Tonight I�m missing out on Ladies� Night Out with coworkers. They�re going to On Broadway downtown, to fight with the crowds and tie one on, do some nibbling, some drinking, and a whole lotta dancing. Fun. Not me, baby. I�m going to go home and pack and organize, and then, later, I�m going to the movies! To see the new Disney! Finding Nemo!!!! Yay!!! As much as I'd LOVE to gather gossip on the office lushes or hang out socially with people I can hardly stand to be around the 40+ hours I'm already stuck with them, I'm happy that I'm going to see a movie with my man and some friends.
Last night was lovely. M.s. brought his little peach masterpiece over to my sister�s place, where we met up with a few more family members, another sister and my father. I had a good, solid time, chatting and laughing. I felt comfortable and happy, surrounded by people I love. I was up half the night talking to M.s. about stuff. Actually, �talking� doesn�t quite accurately describe it, we were mostly laughing. Laughing and giggling. Kissing and laughing. Laughing and talking. Talking and hugging. I love him more every day. Except for tomorrow, I won�t love him �as� much tomorrow, but for the most part, it increases daily with dips here and there, kind of like the stock market, without the crashes.
And apparently, dorkiness is contagious. *smile* Tomorrow night is a gallery opening, I�ll be stopping by that. And then Sunday, the day to get ALL of the shit done, last day to move it all upstairs. Thank God for Ollie and Zim. Those boys are gonna move all the heavy shit, because they�re stronger than I am (if you can believe it). Friends are good.
For now, I finish some work, and head out of here early, to get my ass home with all of these boxes (there are two). I will do my BEST to resist the temptation to lay with my cats and read the latest Harper�s Bazaar. Really. I could use a fresh coat of nail polish... no! Must pack. Must organize. Must resist. There will be plenty of play time once the chores are done. And oh, I�ll make the most of it.
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