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Good stuff, Asses and all!

Fuck, I love Peter Gabriel. Every time this song pops up on my iPod, I can�t help but close my eyes, smile, and dance in my seat. My hands go up, my arms follow, and I�m lost in some kind of music worship. It feels good.

This morning, my mood is excellent. I arrived at the office earlier than usual and got several things taken care of before I was bothered by anyone. But when I was bothered, it was only too appropriate that it was the most bothersome person here. I handled the snide comments well, blowing off the attitude behind the words. It feels good to not let things phase me, especially when I consider their source. A little mental rant and more work, and I was as good as new.

New. I have a new class starting in a few weeks, I�m sure it will be much more taxing than my current class. Instead of no homework and no meetings, we�ll have papers due every week again. I can handle it.

I�m happy to hear that a judge overturned that stupid sodomy law in Texas. I hope everybody�s out there, butt-fucking in the streets right now in celebration of their new liberty. Oh wait, that�s a privacy law, isn�t it. Okay then, maybe not �in the streets,� but I still hope they�re butt-fucking. I know I will, if only to salute the winning �under dog� in this struggle.

Alright, that�s all from me for now, back to work, you know, that thing I do so well.

Aside from butt-fucking, of course.


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Good stuff, Asses and all! 2003-06-26 11:08 a.m. Fuck, I love Peter Gabriel. Every time this song pops up on my iPod, I can�t help but close my eyes, smile, and dance in my seat. My hands go up, my arms follow, and I�m lost in some kind of music worship. It feels good.

This morning, my mood is excellent. I arrived at the office earlier than usual and got several things taken care of before I was bothered by anyone. But when I was bothered, it was only too appropriate that it was the most bothersome person here. I handled the snide comments well, blowing off the attitude behind the words. It feels good to not let things phase me, especially when I consider their source. A little mental rant and more work, and I was as good as new.

New. I have a new class starting in a few weeks, I�m sure it will be much more taxing than my current class. Instead of no homework and no meetings, we�ll have papers due every week again. I can handle it.

I�m happy to hear that a judge overturned that stupid sodomy law in Texas. I hope everybody�s out there, butt-fucking in the streets right now in celebration of their new liberty. Oh wait, that�s a privacy law, isn�t it. Okay then, maybe not �in the streets,� but I still hope they�re butt-fucking. I know I will, if only to salute the winning �under dog� in this struggle.

Alright, that�s all from me for now, back to work, you know, that thing I do so well.

Aside from butt-fucking, of course.