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First - Sodomy... Then, THE WORLD

�On Sunday, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said the Supreme Court's decision on gay sex threatens to make the American home a place where criminality is condoned. He said he supported the proposed constitutional amendment to ban homosexual marriage in the United States.� Taken from THIS article.

What are they so AFRAID of? I don�t understand it. One of the most healthy, long-term relationships I have witnessed in my life is that of my aunt and her female companion. They have lived as partners, shared finances, investments, love and devotion for longer than most heterosexual relationships I�ve known of. What harm would come of allowing them to have the same benefits of any other couple living together and sharing a life? Why does the idea of fairness, this potential happiness and equality strike fear in the hearts of conservative republicans?

And HOW, by GOD, does it �condone criminality�!? What is criminal about love and support? What is so negative about it? These fears are absurd and ignorant, at best. What do they think, that once recognition is given to the gay and lesbian community that we�ll all be struck by lightning? Do they think that people will run naked in the streets and homosexualize their children? It sickens me, this staunch rejection of individual happiness and equality, regardless of sexual orientation.

Tomorrow is Independence Day. While I am partying it up with my friends in Ocean Beach, along with My lover and s., I will think of the Independence Day that is on the horizon, and that is the independence of our bodies and minds from the antiquated rules of conservative and close-minded geezers. Liberty will reign free when Gay Pride hits San Diego, and I�ll be there, supporting my fellow humans and Americans in their pursuit of happiness, without oppression, with the dream of a world that appreciates Love , of any kind.


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First - Sodomy... Then, THE WORLD 2003-07-03 9:08 a.m. �On Sunday, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said the Supreme Court's decision on gay sex threatens to make the American home a place where criminality is condoned. He said he supported the proposed constitutional amendment to ban homosexual marriage in the United States.� Taken from THIS article.

What are they so AFRAID of? I don�t understand it. One of the most healthy, long-term relationships I have witnessed in my life is that of my aunt and her female companion. They have lived as partners, shared finances, investments, love and devotion for longer than most heterosexual relationships I�ve known of. What harm would come of allowing them to have the same benefits of any other couple living together and sharing a life? Why does the idea of fairness, this potential happiness and equality strike fear in the hearts of conservative republicans?

And HOW, by GOD, does it �condone criminality�!? What is criminal about love and support? What is so negative about it? These fears are absurd and ignorant, at best. What do they think, that once recognition is given to the gay and lesbian community that we�ll all be struck by lightning? Do they think that people will run naked in the streets and homosexualize their children? It sickens me, this staunch rejection of individual happiness and equality, regardless of sexual orientation.

Tomorrow is Independence Day. While I am partying it up with my friends in Ocean Beach, along with My lover and s., I will think of the Independence Day that is on the horizon, and that is the independence of our bodies and minds from the antiquated rules of conservative and close-minded geezers. Liberty will reign free when Gay Pride hits San Diego, and I�ll be there, supporting my fellow humans and Americans in their pursuit of happiness, without oppression, with the dream of a world that appreciates Love , of any kind.