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Headlines and a glimpse of schedule

Good. It�s bigoted, narrow-minded assholes like this that deserve no place in the public sectors. Now he can continue to preach to his mid-western, born-again audience via NPR and when he gets kicked off the radio, he can buy a bullhorn and stand on the street corners, just like every other wacko with an opinion no one with a brain cares to hear.

This morning, M.s. shared with me a very sad thing . The twins did not survive the surgery, and people grieve for this loss around the world. Their courage and attitude was inspiring and refreshing. I followed the stories myself, and though I read about them and their situation, though I felt I understood them in the ways that were communicated through the reporters, it still surprises me how touched, how sad I am, to learn of their death.

Oh you media, what a cruel and spiteful puppeteer you are.

Tonight I begin a new class at a new location. Writing Composition, or something like that. Oh yeah, I�ll do just fine. The first assignment, due tonight, includes reading several chapters of a few different books and writing a few paragraphs describing my JOB, the PEOPLE I work with, things I do at the office, etc. Shit, I could have a field day with that one. Consider your audience, the book suggests. Do I write for the amusement of fellow students? Or do I pull from my headhunting days, and write an impeccable job description, fit for Wall Street? Perhaps a nice mixture of both. It IS just the first assignment, and it IS just so that the teacher (I hear he�s a stiff one) can assess our level of �need.� I�ll work on that this afternoon.

Tomorrow night, it�s Fiddler on the Roof at the Starlight Theater. I�m going for political reasons, managing partner sells tickets for a fund raiser, you BUY THEM. At least I did. I�ll enjoy it, though, it�s a nice reason to go out with M.s. for an evening.

Money is low at the office. People were �laid off� yesterday. It�s a good thing I get so much done, a good thing that more responsibility is heaped on me each day. So, I�ll get to that. Gotta earn the keep, you know. I have bills to pay, and people to impress with my administrative adroitness.


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Headlines and a glimpse of schedule 2003-07-08 9:07 a.m. Good. It�s bigoted, narrow-minded assholes like this that deserve no place in the public sectors. Now he can continue to preach to his mid-western, born-again audience via NPR and when he gets kicked off the radio, he can buy a bullhorn and stand on the street corners, just like every other wacko with an opinion no one with a brain cares to hear.

This morning, M.s. shared with me a very sad thing . The twins did not survive the surgery, and people grieve for this loss around the world. Their courage and attitude was inspiring and refreshing. I followed the stories myself, and though I read about them and their situation, though I felt I understood them in the ways that were communicated through the reporters, it still surprises me how touched, how sad I am, to learn of their death.

Oh you media, what a cruel and spiteful puppeteer you are.

Tonight I begin a new class at a new location. Writing Composition, or something like that. Oh yeah, I�ll do just fine. The first assignment, due tonight, includes reading several chapters of a few different books and writing a few paragraphs describing my JOB, the PEOPLE I work with, things I do at the office, etc. Shit, I could have a field day with that one. Consider your audience, the book suggests. Do I write for the amusement of fellow students? Or do I pull from my headhunting days, and write an impeccable job description, fit for Wall Street? Perhaps a nice mixture of both. It IS just the first assignment, and it IS just so that the teacher (I hear he�s a stiff one) can assess our level of �need.� I�ll work on that this afternoon.

Tomorrow night, it�s Fiddler on the Roof at the Starlight Theater. I�m going for political reasons, managing partner sells tickets for a fund raiser, you BUY THEM. At least I did. I�ll enjoy it, though, it�s a nice reason to go out with M.s. for an evening.

Money is low at the office. People were �laid off� yesterday. It�s a good thing I get so much done, a good thing that more responsibility is heaped on me each day. So, I�ll get to that. Gotta earn the keep, you know. I have bills to pay, and people to impress with my administrative adroitness.