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Super Woman

Here we are again, My Pretties, Friday at last! So, it seems as if I am officially on my way to Super Womanhood. I agreed to take a more active role in M.s.�s budding business, and officially dedicate myself to seeing that certain things I have a knack for get accomplished. Let�s see, what�s that make me, how many lives do I lead at the same time now... Paralegal, full-time student, Mistress, friend/daughter/sister, and now Business Manager to boot!

I�m very proud of myself, and I always did like a challenge, which will be apparent when my novel is released. I didn�t make it to the Casbah last night. After delivering my mother to her home after her �operation,� having dinner with M.s. and our meeting with Ray about gallery operations, I was pooped. Curious about my mother? Some THING was removed from her forehead. Something BIG. She described it to me using the word �shrimp,� if that�s any help. Maybe I was right all those years ago, maybe she IS an alien. Doubtful, but still.

It was nice to spend some time with Mom, to drive her down to Chula Juana, catch up, to see her. It was nice. It seems like she�s doing well, and that makes me very happy. Other emotions always well up inside of me when I spend time with my mother, and those took their course within me for the rest of the evening. Thoughts whispered endlessly behind every word I spoke, every sentence I heard. Time to write in my journal, and more than just an update.

Tonight I will see my friend, Zim. I will take him to a nice dinner for his birthday. Zim has been my friend for many years, and through all of that time, he has helped me and cared for me in more ways than I could ever attempt to count. He�s always had this ability to make me feel like I�ve really got something to offer the world, and to make me feel like he would follow me through thick and thin. He�s a good friend, I love him, and it will be an honor to take him out to a fancy restaurant and hoard him to myself for a few hours (I always have been fairly selfish). He doesn�t read this site, which is probably a good thing, because the man has always been modest.

Tomorrow night, some fun stuff! Ray at Night! An event at the World Beat Center! All kinds of fun! Sunday morning, I meet with the fuckheads! I promise, I won�t hit him... just kidding, I can�t make a promise like that. Hmm. That means I have to write this paper before Sunday morning... when, when!!!??? Tomorrow morning. Super Woman. I can do it all, and still have time to cum.

Have a great weekend!


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Super Woman 2003-07-11 2:47 p.m. Here we are again, My Pretties, Friday at last! So, it seems as if I am officially on my way to Super Womanhood. I agreed to take a more active role in M.s.�s budding business, and officially dedicate myself to seeing that certain things I have a knack for get accomplished. Let�s see, what�s that make me, how many lives do I lead at the same time now... Paralegal, full-time student, Mistress, friend/daughter/sister, and now Business Manager to boot!

I�m very proud of myself, and I always did like a challenge, which will be apparent when my novel is released. I didn�t make it to the Casbah last night. After delivering my mother to her home after her �operation,� having dinner with M.s. and our meeting with Ray about gallery operations, I was pooped. Curious about my mother? Some THING was removed from her forehead. Something BIG. She described it to me using the word �shrimp,� if that�s any help. Maybe I was right all those years ago, maybe she IS an alien. Doubtful, but still.

It was nice to spend some time with Mom, to drive her down to Chula Juana, catch up, to see her. It was nice. It seems like she�s doing well, and that makes me very happy. Other emotions always well up inside of me when I spend time with my mother, and those took their course within me for the rest of the evening. Thoughts whispered endlessly behind every word I spoke, every sentence I heard. Time to write in my journal, and more than just an update.

Tonight I will see my friend, Zim. I will take him to a nice dinner for his birthday. Zim has been my friend for many years, and through all of that time, he has helped me and cared for me in more ways than I could ever attempt to count. He�s always had this ability to make me feel like I�ve really got something to offer the world, and to make me feel like he would follow me through thick and thin. He�s a good friend, I love him, and it will be an honor to take him out to a fancy restaurant and hoard him to myself for a few hours (I always have been fairly selfish). He doesn�t read this site, which is probably a good thing, because the man has always been modest.

Tomorrow night, some fun stuff! Ray at Night! An event at the World Beat Center! All kinds of fun! Sunday morning, I meet with the fuckheads! I promise, I won�t hit him... just kidding, I can�t make a promise like that. Hmm. That means I have to write this paper before Sunday morning... when, when!!!??? Tomorrow morning. Super Woman. I can do it all, and still have time to cum.

Have a great weekend!