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Power, Perverts, and Pussification

''They chose to protect the image and reputation of their institution rather than the safety and well-being of the children entrusted to their care. They acted with a misguided devotion to secrecy,'' the report says in its conclusion. ''And they failed to break their code of silence even when the magnitude of what had occurred would have alerted any reasonable, responsible manager that help was needed.''

This is what secrecy does to an institution of power. It destroys it from the inside out, and eventually, all truths are discovered. I never liked priests. Hell, I never liked organized religion, despite the fact that I was put through Catholic school. Faith in a higher power is one thing. Using that faith to guide the masses and control the population is another. How convincing one can be when touting the power of Heaven and Hell over a simple mind. How powerful one can be when fear and ignorance are widely instilled. I look forward to the day of the Vatican�s collapse.

Speaking of collapses, I see that Saddam�s sons have been killed. Dental records proved their identities. Why is it that when evil is supposedly destroyed, people still suffer? Because their father, the Devil�s lover, is alive? I haven�t taken the time to really think about it lately. I worry that if I did, I would only be left frustrated and confounded. Men and their power. Men and their toys. More regimes to topple, only to be replaced by other men with other kinds of power. A cycle of humanity, primitives with technological weapons. It�s only a matter of time before the few destroy the many � again. But that�s a poopy subject, so let�s cheer ourselves up, shall we?

Tonight I�m going to get a new toy. Tonight I�m going to chill with the women, giggle and play with toys until we choose which one we want. And all the while, we will be served and pampered by a little sissy. I can�t wait to tell you all about it, and you know I will! I�ve always had this �filter� problem, people say I share too much. I do so love to share.

The day is dead in the office. Every cat is away, and the few mice that are left (in this case, I am a mouse), are restless. This morning, the paging system went off, as we had conversations with each other over the PA. Hee hee. This afternoon, I will take a long and leisurely lunch with Pixie. Hamburger Mary�s sounds good. Oh, we love the slow days. I�ll find ways to make it go quickly. I�m crafty like that.


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Power, Perverts, and Pussification 2003-07-23 10:03 a.m. ''They chose to protect the image and reputation of their institution rather than the safety and well-being of the children entrusted to their care. They acted with a misguided devotion to secrecy,'' the report says in its conclusion. ''And they failed to break their code of silence even when the magnitude of what had occurred would have alerted any reasonable, responsible manager that help was needed.''

This is what secrecy does to an institution of power. It destroys it from the inside out, and eventually, all truths are discovered. I never liked priests. Hell, I never liked organized religion, despite the fact that I was put through Catholic school. Faith in a higher power is one thing. Using that faith to guide the masses and control the population is another. How convincing one can be when touting the power of Heaven and Hell over a simple mind. How powerful one can be when fear and ignorance are widely instilled. I look forward to the day of the Vatican�s collapse.

Speaking of collapses, I see that Saddam�s sons have been killed. Dental records proved their identities. Why is it that when evil is supposedly destroyed, people still suffer? Because their father, the Devil�s lover, is alive? I haven�t taken the time to really think about it lately. I worry that if I did, I would only be left frustrated and confounded. Men and their power. Men and their toys. More regimes to topple, only to be replaced by other men with other kinds of power. A cycle of humanity, primitives with technological weapons. It�s only a matter of time before the few destroy the many � again. But that�s a poopy subject, so let�s cheer ourselves up, shall we?

Tonight I�m going to get a new toy. Tonight I�m going to chill with the women, giggle and play with toys until we choose which one we want. And all the while, we will be served and pampered by a little sissy. I can�t wait to tell you all about it, and you know I will! I�ve always had this �filter� problem, people say I share too much. I do so love to share.

The day is dead in the office. Every cat is away, and the few mice that are left (in this case, I am a mouse), are restless. This morning, the paging system went off, as we had conversations with each other over the PA. Hee hee. This afternoon, I will take a long and leisurely lunch with Pixie. Hamburger Mary�s sounds good. Oh, we love the slow days. I�ll find ways to make it go quickly. I�m crafty like that.