I�m so selfish! There is so much to do, and yet I still find a way to steal for myself enough time to eke out an update � priorities. Of course, when one is living a life such as I, one is obligated to update the masses with the wonders of said life. So, we begin:
You know, I actually don�t remember what I did on Friday. Not enough time to ponder, so let�s just jump to the good stuff (no, not THAT �good stuff,� I�ll spare you the details of my trysts with M.s.). I got to spend some time with my family Saturday afternoon. M.s. and I went to Jane�s, where we hung with my sisters, the baby, the baby-to-be, and my father. It was nice to spend the time, because my father will be gone for awhile now. He left yesterday for Korea, his annual trip. I miss him already, and part of me is worried sick about his safety and waiting for an email update. He always gets so... prepared for these things. Updating the will, giving us elaborate instructions in the �event that anything happens� to him. But each year, he makes it back safely.
M.s.�s cousin is a designer, and she specializes in tantalizingly tiny clothing geared toward strippers. Yesterday, we went to a photo shoot up north a ways. The models were stereotypical in their ditziness, the clothing was rock-a-billy cute, and everything was done so perfectly pin-up , down to the hair and the wide, happy smiles on some of the models� faces. We took some fun shots of M.s.�s cousin and her husband working away, directing the shoot and setting up props. I will try to do my hair like that sometime soon, you�ll see! At times, I felt as if I had actually stepped back into 1950's Hollywood. The makeup, the hair, the outfits, the cameras... it was fun.
After the shoot, M.s. took me to dine at Pacifica Del Mar , a fabulous restaurant overlooking the ocean. Our timing was perfect, and the sun chose to set just after dinner, just before dessert. Perfect.
Today I�m receiving many compliments from another outfit selected and purchased by the ever-fashionable s. Today�s ensemble is a silk-linen pantsuit with shiny silk tank, all in a dark, muted grayish-purplish color. Speaking of the office, I need to get to it! I wasn�t yanking your wanky, there is a LOT of shit that I need to get done before I head off into the sunrise next weekend with M.s. for vacation. A LOT. And it shall get done. This, I know.
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