Yesterday was STRESSFUL. Today is busy, but I�m in a great mood. So soon, so soon, I�ll be away for a while.
Wow, I just deleted an entire entry in which I did nothing but bitch about how selfish someone can be. But that�s not how I want to leave you for two weeks! So let�s do things this way - I�ll be on the island, Martha�s Vineyard. I�ll be having fun and relaxing and socializing and traveling with my wonderful man. I will be on VACATION.
I�m in a great mood, I accept the fact that my sister is a little selfish bitch, and I realize that this is nothing new. Spider Monkey, friend of all friends, will be feeding my cats and getting the mail while I am away. She even refused the money I offered her to do it. Some people don�t understand the word �self-less.� However, my friend Spider Monkey emulates selflessness effortlessly, naturally. So much better than I could.
My friends will be at Burning Man. Oh, the sweet memories I have of Burning Man. Another friend of mine is having a gallery opening and party in Los Angeles. I miss them up there. Oh, the sweet memories I have of up there. I will be making memories these next few weeks, again, always.
I love M.s., and I�m so excited that we will be able to get away together! Now, I just need to get out of this fucking office. Lawyers are a strange breed.
HAVE FUN! I�ll update you when I can!
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