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Haiku, Slaves, Relationships & Me (always, me)

Wait, dressed in feathers

Dimples in leather walk in

Now I can know love

A Haiku describing my first date with M.s., exactly one year ago tonight. Everyone I knew heard about this �unreal guy� who put raspberries in my champagne and showed me a fetish collection worth drooling over. Everyone I knew heard about every little, tiny wonderful thing he did or said to me. I talked about my obedient new slave as though he were this temporary toy, and a part of me believed he was. I never kept any for very long. But then...

Enter LOVE, stage left. My slave became my boyfriend, my boyfriend became my BEST friend, and then my best friend became my very �significant� other. And yet, he is still all of those things, in every way. Sigh . I never said I wasn�t sentimental. I didn�t want to leave the bed this morning, relishing a moment of bliss, embracing M.s. beneath the soft blanket. Mmm, I�m in a dreamy mood this morning.

Enough of the squishies, I know you must be DYING there, forced to read through the geeky giddiness I have because after a year of hanging out with the same man I�m still as excited about him as I was the night he walked into Nunu�s. Yes, yes. Enough of that.

Last night was fun, Blove and his lady friend joined us for dinner at a local Greek restaurant. Mmm, Greek food. I�ve always loved hanging out with Blove � he can be dirty, ridiculous, and then passionate about the world and thoughtful about people, all in the span of a few minutes. I like that in a friend. After dinner, we headed back to the zone for a nightcap and some conversation. Mmm, conversation.

So where are we, Thursday? Tomorrow night I�ve got 2, count �em - TWO dates to Blove�s cocktail gathering at M&M�s place. That�s right, baby, I needs me a bitch on both arms. And they�re both HOT.

Mmmkay, I think it�s time I got some work done. Two cups of tea and typing has me rearin� to go. Mmmmm, rearing.

I'm a very happy girl.


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Haiku, Slaves, Relationships & Me (always, me) 2003-09-25 9:51 a.m. Wait, dressed in feathers

Dimples in leather walk in

Now I can know love

A Haiku describing my first date with M.s., exactly one year ago tonight. Everyone I knew heard about this �unreal guy� who put raspberries in my champagne and showed me a fetish collection worth drooling over. Everyone I knew heard about every little, tiny wonderful thing he did or said to me. I talked about my obedient new slave as though he were this temporary toy, and a part of me believed he was. I never kept any for very long. But then...

Enter LOVE, stage left. My slave became my boyfriend, my boyfriend became my BEST friend, and then my best friend became my very �significant� other. And yet, he is still all of those things, in every way. Sigh . I never said I wasn�t sentimental. I didn�t want to leave the bed this morning, relishing a moment of bliss, embracing M.s. beneath the soft blanket. Mmm, I�m in a dreamy mood this morning.

Enough of the squishies, I know you must be DYING there, forced to read through the geeky giddiness I have because after a year of hanging out with the same man I�m still as excited about him as I was the night he walked into Nunu�s. Yes, yes. Enough of that.

Last night was fun, Blove and his lady friend joined us for dinner at a local Greek restaurant. Mmm, Greek food. I�ve always loved hanging out with Blove � he can be dirty, ridiculous, and then passionate about the world and thoughtful about people, all in the span of a few minutes. I like that in a friend. After dinner, we headed back to the zone for a nightcap and some conversation. Mmm, conversation.

So where are we, Thursday? Tomorrow night I�ve got 2, count �em - TWO dates to Blove�s cocktail gathering at M&M�s place. That�s right, baby, I needs me a bitch on both arms. And they�re both HOT.

Mmmkay, I think it�s time I got some work done. Two cups of tea and typing has me rearin� to go. Mmmmm, rearing.

I'm a very happy girl.