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Happy Days and notes on Hypocrisy

I am way too impatient. I decided I wanted a palm pilot, I research the one I want, I order it, and then... Why isn�t it HERE yet???! As a last minute torture and tease, this morning I was called to reception - they said I had a �delivery.� Was it said palm pilot? No. It�s some free software I requested to try out some stupid case management program. Soon, soon I will receive you, my pet. Just not soon enough for my tastes, which are extremely antsy to get you.

Poo. I�ll try to live through another day without my new toy. So let�s reflect on what�s been on my mind, after a quick little update, of course. My weekend was fabulous. Friday night, a cocktail party with friends! And then, what did I do? I turned down the party at the club because I chose to wake up early on Saturday morning to supervise the planting of some trees in my neighborhood. Oh, how I�ve changed. Check an archived weekend a year ago, two years ago, and chances are I was still awake on Saturday morning, and still at the party that began on Friday night. Sweet time, what you do to me is such a delight.

In the afternoon, I headed to the Adams Avenue Street Fair with Spider Monkey & her Mama, with M.s. in tow. Oh, the people-watching! What a sport! And what a crowd there was to watch! I love it! Saturday night we dined at the Kensington Grill (mmm!) And then I said �fuck you� to homework and watched some flicks with my man. Sunday morning, a delightful brunch with friends and their families and oh so much food! A day of relaxing and reading for school and then M.s. took me to a new restaurant (well, new for us). What a treat, to be out and eat, with M.s. After dinner, I said �fuck you� yet again to my paper. Sigh, I�ll have to get that done tonight. Perhaps it�s a good thing I don�t have my new palm pilot and its tantalizing owner�s manual to distract me. The world works in mysterious ways, and I truly believe it�s working in my favor. I just have to accept what I believe so as not to get pissed at UPS.

Now, what was on my mind? Ah, yes. Hypocrisy and my continuing battle against it. There is someone I work with who has caused me much upset. I decided somewhere along the way that I would rather not have this person in my life, and do my best to keep our contact minimal. Last week, I found out this person was in the hospital. There was a card going around, and I was told to sign it. I missed the opportunity, and I was asked if I wanted to send a separate, individual card to express my �get better� sentiments. This caused me to think. What had changed that would make me suddenly like this person? Does someone�s illness make them more likeable? No. Did I suddenly want to express my hope for a speedy recovery? No. Does this make me a bad person? I don�t think so. I think it makes me consistent.

People from this office who constantly bitch about this person poured their sentiments out in writing, some even went to visit the ill one. Honestly, if I were sick, the last people I would want to see were those who were visiting out of some kind of obligatory guilt. I came to the conclusion in my mind that it does not matter if someone I don�t care for suddenly becomes ill. It�s similar to how I felt when my grandmother died. No guilt, no remorse. No connection. Death doesn�t make you a better person. It just makes you no more. Sickness does not make you more likeable. It just makes you ill.

Whoo, I got carried away there with my little rant! I don�t want to leave this on the negative side, so I�ll say this - I like more people than I dislike, and I LOVE many. I do have a heart, you know. I�m just very picky about who I let into it. Now, I�ve got some work to do and some UPS people to harass, so I�ve gotta get busy!


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Happy Days and notes on Hypocrisy 2003-09-29 11:56 a.m. I am way too impatient. I decided I wanted a palm pilot, I research the one I want, I order it, and then... Why isn�t it HERE yet???! As a last minute torture and tease, this morning I was called to reception - they said I had a �delivery.� Was it said palm pilot? No. It�s some free software I requested to try out some stupid case management program. Soon, soon I will receive you, my pet. Just not soon enough for my tastes, which are extremely antsy to get you.

Poo. I�ll try to live through another day without my new toy. So let�s reflect on what�s been on my mind, after a quick little update, of course. My weekend was fabulous. Friday night, a cocktail party with friends! And then, what did I do? I turned down the party at the club because I chose to wake up early on Saturday morning to supervise the planting of some trees in my neighborhood. Oh, how I�ve changed. Check an archived weekend a year ago, two years ago, and chances are I was still awake on Saturday morning, and still at the party that began on Friday night. Sweet time, what you do to me is such a delight.

In the afternoon, I headed to the Adams Avenue Street Fair with Spider Monkey & her Mama, with M.s. in tow. Oh, the people-watching! What a sport! And what a crowd there was to watch! I love it! Saturday night we dined at the Kensington Grill (mmm!) And then I said �fuck you� to homework and watched some flicks with my man. Sunday morning, a delightful brunch with friends and their families and oh so much food! A day of relaxing and reading for school and then M.s. took me to a new restaurant (well, new for us). What a treat, to be out and eat, with M.s. After dinner, I said �fuck you� yet again to my paper. Sigh, I�ll have to get that done tonight. Perhaps it�s a good thing I don�t have my new palm pilot and its tantalizing owner�s manual to distract me. The world works in mysterious ways, and I truly believe it�s working in my favor. I just have to accept what I believe so as not to get pissed at UPS.

Now, what was on my mind? Ah, yes. Hypocrisy and my continuing battle against it. There is someone I work with who has caused me much upset. I decided somewhere along the way that I would rather not have this person in my life, and do my best to keep our contact minimal. Last week, I found out this person was in the hospital. There was a card going around, and I was told to sign it. I missed the opportunity, and I was asked if I wanted to send a separate, individual card to express my �get better� sentiments. This caused me to think. What had changed that would make me suddenly like this person? Does someone�s illness make them more likeable? No. Did I suddenly want to express my hope for a speedy recovery? No. Does this make me a bad person? I don�t think so. I think it makes me consistent.

People from this office who constantly bitch about this person poured their sentiments out in writing, some even went to visit the ill one. Honestly, if I were sick, the last people I would want to see were those who were visiting out of some kind of obligatory guilt. I came to the conclusion in my mind that it does not matter if someone I don�t care for suddenly becomes ill. It�s similar to how I felt when my grandmother died. No guilt, no remorse. No connection. Death doesn�t make you a better person. It just makes you no more. Sickness does not make you more likeable. It just makes you ill.

Whoo, I got carried away there with my little rant! I don�t want to leave this on the negative side, so I�ll say this - I like more people than I dislike, and I LOVE many. I do have a heart, you know. I�m just very picky about who I let into it. Now, I�ve got some work to do and some UPS people to harass, so I�ve gotta get busy!