�But man, proud man, / Drest in a little brief authority, / Most ignorant of what he�s most assured, / His glassy essence, like an angry ape, / Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven / As make the angels weep.� � William Shakespeare
Yesterday and last night were eventful. I had a lovely lunch with Johnny , his mother, and Caleb. I got back to the office to find 6 cop cars and a few �copsicles� in front of the firm�s building. I parked in front of the house across the street, where several coppers had three grungy looking guys lined up on the ground in front of them, seated, looking up at the officers. One officer was doing a lot of writing as he spoke with the guys. I recognized these guys, they inhabit that house, come and go all day, work on their cars, always seemed like tweekers to me. I can only assume this was a drug-raid. The windows on the house were broken in, and I was informed by coworkers that the officers showed up first, on foot, rifles in hand, and only after the house was surrounded did the vehicles appear on the street. Hmmm, interesting.
All this time, I could have been buying drugs across the street. I doubt they had anything good, I�m mostly a �designer� drug sort of woman anyway, not interested in that dirty tweeky skanky shit. But no matter. It�s been so long since I�ve partied, I�m not really one to talk about that kind of fun stuff. There�s some other fun stuff going on this weekend, but more on yesterday first.
After some homework, we went to meet Steve & Jennifer at Parallel 33 for some tasty dinner. Steve brought his lovely cousin along to join in the fun. At the bar, I recognized an old friend from another chapter in my life. As he poured our drinks and gave me a warm, familiar smile, I hoped to god he wouldn�t begin reminiscing about anything. Whew! We were guided to our booth quickly enough. The first half of the meal, I was slightly anxious, as I knew it was a matter of minutes before I needed to run and get Ollie from the airport... I get REALLY stressed about time, and we started dinner quite late. So, he called promptly at 9:30, I had one more bite of my dinner and jetted out of there, promising to return with another coal for the party�s fire.
Out of the restaurant, I flipped open my phone, called Ollie, told him I was on my way, and WHOA! FELL, right in the middle of the street. Miraculously, I managed to hold the phone up in the air, away from danger of pavement. Unfortunately, my elbow and knee were not so lucky. Must have been an awkward scene for the crowd around me, but I popped up quickly enough to save the last shred of my pride that was left. I put the phone back to my ear, picked up my shoe, informed Ollie of my fall and told him I�d see him in a few, and hobbled my way to the car. We had a good laugh about it on the way back to the restaurant, where we lingered until almost 11pm.
Okay! So, M.s. thinks I could benefit from some Valium. We�ll talk about that another time, though. Today, Ollie is helping M.s. hang the show, and M.s. seems more stressed than I usually am (not good). I�m sure it will all come together perfectly, despite his worries. Today, I have lunch with Spider Monkey and drop her at the airport. Tonight, I somehow have to make it to a happy hour in Kensington and then a gallery opening at Ronaldo�s , and somehow grab my father from the airport in the middle of it all. And then tomorrow, our little soiree promises to have me wound TIGHT for the day. Though I know, deep down inside, I�ll be able to glide through all of it expertly. This is what I do. I�ll see you on the other side.
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