My stress has dissipated. A day of despair and a sense of overwhelming angst disintegrated when I finished reading the last word of my homework assignment last night. I just needed to knock some things off my list and get that sweet taste of accomplishment. For some reason, getting something done lubes my synapses again and allows me to be alert and upbeat. Silly, silly brain.
M.s. was patient and understanding with my withdrawn disposition. Supplied with water and bean-bun, and of course, the ability to look up and see My slave whenever the words crossed on the page, I was set. This morning, I felt the comfort more than the stress. I wanted to smile more than frown, and I was eager to begin the day rather than hide beneath the covers. Whew!
Earlier, my father reminded me that these down days are necessary if we are to appreciate and enjoy the up days. I couldn�t agree more. Tonight I will be partying it up at Nina�s bachelorette party! That�s right, Nina and Fizgig are getting married all legal-like, though in their hearts, they joined at Burning Man. This time, Spider Monkey is performing the ceremony (yup, she�s a minister too, thank the church of internet christ), and I will be doing the makeup. Fun!
So tonight, complete with plenty of ladies, obscene toys and garments, and a bride (to-be), we will celebrate her union once again. If I have any say in the matter, there will be no veils or silly signs. Uh uh. No tacky hackneyed sorority girl bachelorette for this bitch, no way. Just lewd, crude, and feisty. Just the way she deserves it to be, and just the way I�ll be able to tolerate the event.
I�m ready to get some work done now, it�s been a mellow morning, and I�ve been procrastinating with some major tasks. One at a time. Rather than stressing about things, I just need to DO them. That�s the only way for me to move on to the next and get out of my head.
Come on, Friday! I�m waiting for you!
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