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Pissy, not Pussy

�The dew of compassion is a tear.� - Lord Byron

The one who has been causing me so much grief was fired yesterday. It was a long time coming. I am not the sole reason for her exodus, but I betcha I was the pebble that tipped the bucket (I�m making up my own cliches from now on).

Now I await the inevitable �meeting� with the boss-lady who will express to me her displeasure with my method of pushing this through. My father is VERY proud of me. He told me he doesn�t think he would have been so direct and �ballsy.� He said he is very proud of me for handling this situation the way I did, that he respected and admired me for it. For lack of a better way to express this, I will say that it felt really good to hear that from him. It always does.

So, getting work done and all that jazz. This afternoon, we�re meeting with the curator of MOPA . I wouldn�t be surprised if M.s. got a show there (psst! He�s REALLY TALENTED). My poor man was up late into the evening, finishing up work and preparing for the visit (read: straightening up), as I tried to read a bit but ended up passing out. It was nice to relax a bit. This week has been emotionally turbulent for me.

My uptight sister has managed to hold in the baby long enough for my dad to make it back into town! Two weeks, and he gets back this afternoon. What a great daughter! Hee hee.

Alright, I have a lot of work to do. I�m in hyper-work mode, as this mess is being cleaned up around me. I await my meeting with the powers-that-be. I will tell them, in the nicest way possible, that they brought it on themselves. Never underestimate the power of the �pissy.� It doesn�t take much to annoy me, but it takes a LOT to break me down and really piss me off. And well, that�s what happened here.

Back to work!


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Pissy, not Pussy 2003-11-20 10:01 a.m. �The dew of compassion is a tear.� - Lord Byron

The one who has been causing me so much grief was fired yesterday. It was a long time coming. I am not the sole reason for her exodus, but I betcha I was the pebble that tipped the bucket (I�m making up my own cliches from now on).

Now I await the inevitable �meeting� with the boss-lady who will express to me her displeasure with my method of pushing this through. My father is VERY proud of me. He told me he doesn�t think he would have been so direct and �ballsy.� He said he is very proud of me for handling this situation the way I did, that he respected and admired me for it. For lack of a better way to express this, I will say that it felt really good to hear that from him. It always does.

So, getting work done and all that jazz. This afternoon, we�re meeting with the curator of MOPA . I wouldn�t be surprised if M.s. got a show there (psst! He�s REALLY TALENTED). My poor man was up late into the evening, finishing up work and preparing for the visit (read: straightening up), as I tried to read a bit but ended up passing out. It was nice to relax a bit. This week has been emotionally turbulent for me.

My uptight sister has managed to hold in the baby long enough for my dad to make it back into town! Two weeks, and he gets back this afternoon. What a great daughter! Hee hee.

Alright, I have a lot of work to do. I�m in hyper-work mode, as this mess is being cleaned up around me. I await my meeting with the powers-that-be. I will tell them, in the nicest way possible, that they brought it on themselves. Never underestimate the power of the �pissy.� It doesn�t take much to annoy me, but it takes a LOT to break me down and really piss me off. And well, that�s what happened here.

Back to work!