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I'm Proud of Me

Okay, okay, now I know that I have a tendency to BRAG. But fuck, man, I�m PROUD of myself right now! Last night I gave a stellar presentation on civil rights. Then, the teacher handed back papers from the previous week. I got 100% on all three assignments! One of them he asked for a copy of. He said, �That is, by far, the best paper I have read from any of my students, and if you don�t mind, I would like to make a copy so I can use it as an example.� Uh, YES! Of course! I gave him my copy, I already have another on my laptop.

I�m proud because I worked my ASS off on these assignments. I put in several hours a week on homework (sometimes between 10 and 15 hours!) It�s nice to see that it�s paying off, that I�m learning so many things, and that I�m capable of doing such a great job. Yay, me!!

M.s. gets home tonight. He�s been gone so long! I�m looking forward to cuddling up with him in bed tonight. Granted, I�ve had full reign of the bed, the comforter, and god knows how many pillows for the last week, but I�d give it all up to have him share it with me. Well, maybe not THAT pillow. That one I think I�m gonna keep. I AM in charge after all, you know. Dammit.

So the day is flying by, and things are busy at the office. We are getting tons of feedback from our mailer, and I�m excited to see what Ronaldo does with my head on Friday night. That�s right, I�m going drastic again. No way I won�t have a new look for the big opening! I will look as fabulous as I feel.



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I'm Proud of Me 2003-12-02 1:42 p.m. Okay, okay, now I know that I have a tendency to BRAG. But fuck, man, I�m PROUD of myself right now! Last night I gave a stellar presentation on civil rights. Then, the teacher handed back papers from the previous week. I got 100% on all three assignments! One of them he asked for a copy of. He said, �That is, by far, the best paper I have read from any of my students, and if you don�t mind, I would like to make a copy so I can use it as an example.� Uh, YES! Of course! I gave him my copy, I already have another on my laptop.

I�m proud because I worked my ASS off on these assignments. I put in several hours a week on homework (sometimes between 10 and 15 hours!) It�s nice to see that it�s paying off, that I�m learning so many things, and that I�m capable of doing such a great job. Yay, me!!

M.s. gets home tonight. He�s been gone so long! I�m looking forward to cuddling up with him in bed tonight. Granted, I�ve had full reign of the bed, the comforter, and god knows how many pillows for the last week, but I�d give it all up to have him share it with me. Well, maybe not THAT pillow. That one I think I�m gonna keep. I AM in charge after all, you know. Dammit.

So the day is flying by, and things are busy at the office. We are getting tons of feedback from our mailer, and I�m excited to see what Ronaldo does with my head on Friday night. That�s right, I�m going drastic again. No way I won�t have a new look for the big opening! I will look as fabulous as I feel.
