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Cocky Bitch

�It is a difficult matter to argue with the belly since it has no ears.� - Cato the Elder

See, my dear? I told you that I had no choice but to give in and get the peppermint mocha. Mmmm, peppermint mocha, so tasty, so minty-chocolaty and stuffed with caffeiny! My darling slave has returned home, and I slept so soundly with him in the bed last night. Oops! What did we forget!? Hmm? I forgot to put that collar back on this morning. Tsk, tsk, just another thing that must be done later. There�s nothing like waking up to see the person you love already smiling at you. Sigh.

Much to do, much to do! Work is good, things have finally calmed down after the storm I created weeks ago. Hee hee. Calmed in a better way, of course. My office stress has lessened significantly since you-know-who was instructed not to speak to me (usually, I handle these matters myself, but after telling her several times, �do NOT speak to me,� to no avail, I realized other methods were in order. I�m not a beat-around-the-bush sort of gal, particularly when someone is intruding on my psyche. Or my space. People. Can�t live with �em, yet still need them all to adore me. It�s a tough call.

I begin to get the feeling that the more successful I become, the more potential my own words have of hurting me. We will see how things progress. I need to figure out how to archive my old entries, or print �em out. No reason people need to know what I was up to over two years ago. I�ll print them, rewrite them into short stories (once I have a little time), and publish a book or something. There, totally doable. Thank you for being a part of my little plan, there. I�ve got it all figured out now.

I can�t wait to go RED again! Friday, I�m getting the RED put back in my hair! Tons of them, little red streaks throughout. Flashy, a bit of visual panache to match my attitude of late.

God, these adjusters, these lawyers, all calling and, with their tenacity, getting through the main recording to my direct office line before we even open. But I am here. I am taking the calls. I am dealing with their little requests, and their needs and their questions. Why? Because I�m so fucking GOOD at it. People, baby. People are my thing. Whether or not they annoy me or grate on me or inspire me � I was blessed with this gift of knowing how to handle them. And handle them I do.

If I were reading this as a novel, at this point I would be expecting this apparent cockiness of the character to represent some kind of foreshadowing for lessons to come. But this ain�t a novel, baby, and sometimes, being cocky gets you to the next level whereas the meek and humble merely stand back and look on in utmost appreciation, veiled in ego-boosting layers of supposed disgust. They must pretend to loath you. It helps them to believe themselves when they say they don�t want to BE you. People. So complicated in the simplest of ways.

Back to work! I�ve got a lot to do at the office today! And then... more homework.


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Cocky Bitch 2003-12-03 8:42 a.m. �It is a difficult matter to argue with the belly since it has no ears.� - Cato the Elder

See, my dear? I told you that I had no choice but to give in and get the peppermint mocha. Mmmm, peppermint mocha, so tasty, so minty-chocolaty and stuffed with caffeiny! My darling slave has returned home, and I slept so soundly with him in the bed last night. Oops! What did we forget!? Hmm? I forgot to put that collar back on this morning. Tsk, tsk, just another thing that must be done later. There�s nothing like waking up to see the person you love already smiling at you. Sigh.

Much to do, much to do! Work is good, things have finally calmed down after the storm I created weeks ago. Hee hee. Calmed in a better way, of course. My office stress has lessened significantly since you-know-who was instructed not to speak to me (usually, I handle these matters myself, but after telling her several times, �do NOT speak to me,� to no avail, I realized other methods were in order. I�m not a beat-around-the-bush sort of gal, particularly when someone is intruding on my psyche. Or my space. People. Can�t live with �em, yet still need them all to adore me. It�s a tough call.

I begin to get the feeling that the more successful I become, the more potential my own words have of hurting me. We will see how things progress. I need to figure out how to archive my old entries, or print �em out. No reason people need to know what I was up to over two years ago. I�ll print them, rewrite them into short stories (once I have a little time), and publish a book or something. There, totally doable. Thank you for being a part of my little plan, there. I�ve got it all figured out now.

I can�t wait to go RED again! Friday, I�m getting the RED put back in my hair! Tons of them, little red streaks throughout. Flashy, a bit of visual panache to match my attitude of late.

God, these adjusters, these lawyers, all calling and, with their tenacity, getting through the main recording to my direct office line before we even open. But I am here. I am taking the calls. I am dealing with their little requests, and their needs and their questions. Why? Because I�m so fucking GOOD at it. People, baby. People are my thing. Whether or not they annoy me or grate on me or inspire me � I was blessed with this gift of knowing how to handle them. And handle them I do.

If I were reading this as a novel, at this point I would be expecting this apparent cockiness of the character to represent some kind of foreshadowing for lessons to come. But this ain�t a novel, baby, and sometimes, being cocky gets you to the next level whereas the meek and humble merely stand back and look on in utmost appreciation, veiled in ego-boosting layers of supposed disgust. They must pretend to loath you. It helps them to believe themselves when they say they don�t want to BE you. People. So complicated in the simplest of ways.

Back to work! I�ve got a lot to do at the office today! And then... more homework.