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Dragons and Rats

I'm a DRAGON , and he's a RAT , and we are Perfectly Compatible .

I didn't need a web site to tell me that, but it's nice to see my knowledge confirmed. That, and MAN, I really do live the part of the Dragon, don't I?

Hee hee. I've got a big meeting in about 20 minutes... going to go breathe some fire and get some shit done. I was just telling M.s. this morning that I'm a much better manager than a managee. I'm gooding at calling the shots, not responding to others' barked orders. I like to be in charge. Perhaps that's why I have a slave.

Dragon Domina, mmmmm, alliteration.

Last night was fun, I got to hang out with Spider Monkey for most of the evening and then met up with a group consisting of photographers and a few people who help run MOPA. Stimulating talk, throughout my evening. I believe it was Emily Bronte who said great conversation is like a cup of coffe - just as stimulating and keeps you up just as long afterwards.

Tonight, we dine at Parallel 33. Life is busy, but kept in perspective, it's still really, really fucking awesome.


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Dragons and Rats 2004-02-05 11:38 a.m. I'm a DRAGON , and he's a RAT , and we are Perfectly Compatible .

I didn't need a web site to tell me that, but it's nice to see my knowledge confirmed. That, and MAN, I really do live the part of the Dragon, don't I?

Hee hee. I've got a big meeting in about 20 minutes... going to go breathe some fire and get some shit done. I was just telling M.s. this morning that I'm a much better manager than a managee. I'm gooding at calling the shots, not responding to others' barked orders. I like to be in charge. Perhaps that's why I have a slave.

Dragon Domina, mmmmm, alliteration.

Last night was fun, I got to hang out with Spider Monkey for most of the evening and then met up with a group consisting of photographers and a few people who help run MOPA. Stimulating talk, throughout my evening. I believe it was Emily Bronte who said great conversation is like a cup of coffe - just as stimulating and keeps you up just as long afterwards.

Tonight, we dine at Parallel 33. Life is busy, but kept in perspective, it's still really, really fucking awesome.