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Happy V-Day!

Now, this is odd, and a testament to my psychosis. I went from feeling miserable and cranky this morning, to nearly ecstatic with euphoria this afternoon. No outside influences. Merely dancing synapses and membrane fusion, the gray matter digesting and communicating ideas to my emotional being. Perhaps I am a tad bit manic/depressive.

Speaking of emotions, my favorite one of Eric�s is his Sarcastic Respect for Authority Figures . Haha!!

But back to me. I feel almost giddy. The weekend is going to be grand, and I am happy. Like, stupid-happy. It doesn�t take long for me to remember all the things that make my life wonderful. The problem is, when one little thing doesn�t go my way, it inflates before my eyes, clouding my vision and distorting my perspective.

Life is good. Tomorrow is Valentine�s Day, and each day, I am IN love . Now isn�t that something to be giddy about?

I think so too. Man, I can be one moody bitch. But that�s just one of the many reasons you love me.


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Happy V-Day! 2004-02-13 2:52 p.m. Now, this is odd, and a testament to my psychosis. I went from feeling miserable and cranky this morning, to nearly ecstatic with euphoria this afternoon. No outside influences. Merely dancing synapses and membrane fusion, the gray matter digesting and communicating ideas to my emotional being. Perhaps I am a tad bit manic/depressive.

Speaking of emotions, my favorite one of Eric�s is his Sarcastic Respect for Authority Figures . Haha!!

But back to me. I feel almost giddy. The weekend is going to be grand, and I am happy. Like, stupid-happy. It doesn�t take long for me to remember all the things that make my life wonderful. The problem is, when one little thing doesn�t go my way, it inflates before my eyes, clouding my vision and distorting my perspective.

Life is good. Tomorrow is Valentine�s Day, and each day, I am IN love . Now isn�t that something to be giddy about?

I think so too. Man, I can be one moody bitch. But that�s just one of the many reasons you love me.