�There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.� - Dalai Lama
I don�t know why I always work myself up into such a tizzy. My weekend was perfect. Friday night, I relaxed and straightened up a bit and then collected my father from the airport. Weary from his travels, he was happy to be home and even happier at the prospect of his own bed. I was just happy to see him. I felt relaxed, renewed, from my evening of cleaning, coloring, and hanging with my girls.
Saturday worked out well. In the morning I stopped by my mother�s place to visit with my cousins, here for a week from their home in Staten Island. After that, I headed back to the gallery to grab MY Valentine, dress him up and spend the rest of the evening cooking and playing. Culinary deviance is what I would call it. We made chicken bastilla , a divine pasta salad, and Bananas Foster. All the while, I was able to cook AND play with My toy. What a way to make a meal! Hee hee. Needless to say, my day was filled with sparkling, luscious and lascivious love.
Sunday was family-filled. In the morning, I joined my father for church. He walked as a member, after six or so years of being a congregant, the man finally decided to officially join his church. I was able to visit with Rev. Kev and Nancy, which is always a hoot! We stayed for the new members� lunch reception � mmm, kishke! In the afternoon, after greeting some visitors to the gallery and successfully procrastinating on my schoolwork, we headed up to Faye�s for the big family bar-b-cue.
Aside from the inevitable snide comments from the youngest in our clan, the evening was wonderful! Filled with laughter, fun stories, and delicious food. I LOVE my niece. I mean, I LOVE HER. I just want to hold her and squeeze her and lover her all day. She�s perfect. This might have something to do with the fact that she can�t really move around yet, but regardless of the reason, my heart swells when I look in her eyes, and that�s just such a great feeling. All the love and joy, none of the hassle. Being an aunt is ideal.
Yesterday, a day off from work (which is painfully apparent from the stack of papers on my desk and the puddle of voicemails glaring through one, red blink-blink-blink of a light), I finally had to break down and do my homework. I ROCK at keynote presentations. This one I will give to night is stellar. My paper is good, everyone else is an idiot, you know the drill.
It astounds me that people do not know how to simply communicate. These sections I received for our group paper were sad, at best. I was able to rewrite them, make it flow, put it together and such, but not without a lot of bitching and disappointment in my fellow students. Why is everyone so freakin� dumb? Why can�t they take the next step on their own? What ever happened to LEARNING? It seems like they just want to get through it, get their degree, without learning anything. This makes it VERY difficult to get an A on a group project without doing the whole fucking thing myself. One of these days, I�ll have to accept my role in these groups if I want to continue with my rockin� GPA. But I don�t have to be happy about it.
So, Tuesday, lots of work, class tonight, idiots to encounter and stuff to get done. I'm in a funky, feisty mood, and I think I can handle what comes today. As I typically say with a smirk to my love, "Bring it on."
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