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Evoking Calgon

�Those who wish to sing always find a song.� - Swedish proverb

My mood is greatly improved this morning. I awoke with a smile on my face and more energy than recent days. Things didn�t seem so bleak to me. Everything was okay, getting better, ideal even. These are how my moods cycle. If we are intent on being happy, we will find reasons for happiness. Being frustrated and pissy grows tiring for me, and it is only a matter of time before I snap out of it and choose to giddily look forward to something.

Then I realize, there are so MANY �something�s to look forward to! Tonight I have a date with my father, I�m looking forward to hanging out at home, going for a walk, having dinner, catching up. This weekend is my sister�s birthday party. I�m looking forward to seeing my niece and nephew, spending time with my siblings. Next weekend I have dinner planned with an old friend who is moving away from town. I�m looking forward to sending her on her way with a smile on her face. The weekend after that, I take my love to Cirque du Soleil! I�m looking forward to VIP treatment and front-and-center seats, not to mention the awe-inspiring acts I expect to see. The weekend after that, my dear friend Ollie is coming into town. I�m looking forward to seeing his pictures, catching up with him, and getting a hug.

And that�s just the things I can think about right now. There are so many more that have yet to reveal themselves, I know it!

So people I work with are dicks and classmates are dumb. I really don�t think these are matters I should give a shit about in the grand scheme of things. I need to stop resenting the fact that I�m stuck with people I don�t care for at the office and at school and start to see the lessons they present for me. They�re always going to be around, as long as I insist on being so social and interactive, they will be there. I just need to learn to make the best of it.

People suck. But I don�t have to let them suck my energy away. This week, I�m going to spend time with people who leave me feeling replenished, not drained.


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Evoking Calgon 2004-03-03 8:52 a.m. �Those who wish to sing always find a song.� - Swedish proverb

My mood is greatly improved this morning. I awoke with a smile on my face and more energy than recent days. Things didn�t seem so bleak to me. Everything was okay, getting better, ideal even. These are how my moods cycle. If we are intent on being happy, we will find reasons for happiness. Being frustrated and pissy grows tiring for me, and it is only a matter of time before I snap out of it and choose to giddily look forward to something.

Then I realize, there are so MANY �something�s to look forward to! Tonight I have a date with my father, I�m looking forward to hanging out at home, going for a walk, having dinner, catching up. This weekend is my sister�s birthday party. I�m looking forward to seeing my niece and nephew, spending time with my siblings. Next weekend I have dinner planned with an old friend who is moving away from town. I�m looking forward to sending her on her way with a smile on her face. The weekend after that, I take my love to Cirque du Soleil! I�m looking forward to VIP treatment and front-and-center seats, not to mention the awe-inspiring acts I expect to see. The weekend after that, my dear friend Ollie is coming into town. I�m looking forward to seeing his pictures, catching up with him, and getting a hug.

And that�s just the things I can think about right now. There are so many more that have yet to reveal themselves, I know it!

So people I work with are dicks and classmates are dumb. I really don�t think these are matters I should give a shit about in the grand scheme of things. I need to stop resenting the fact that I�m stuck with people I don�t care for at the office and at school and start to see the lessons they present for me. They�re always going to be around, as long as I insist on being so social and interactive, they will be there. I just need to learn to make the best of it.

People suck. But I don�t have to let them suck my energy away. This week, I�m going to spend time with people who leave me feeling replenished, not drained.