�No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it�s not the same river and he�s not the same man.� - Heraclitus
That�s right, hair-a-clitoris. It is only the learned and the wise that let go of their shriveled cocoons and take to the air at every opportunity. We are all growing, learning, changing. This is a good thing. So why are people so resistant? Fear is the most likely answer, but we won�t go into that now.
I had a wonderful evening with Spider Monkey. Dinner and girl-chat, catching up and laughing it up. Sharing and listening. I fell asleep just as soon as my head hit the pillow, as soon as I sensed M.s. sliding under the covers next to me. I think of these things, I think of how much love I have in my life, of how many true, wonderful friends surround me... I think of these truths in my life and I realize how silly it is to stress about inconsequential instances. So there�s work to do. There is every day. This little fact should not affect my wonderful mood. This is my latest meditation.
We need to stop wasting out time worrying and agonizing over all the little pebbles on the path of life and start dancing and frolicking in the fields of flowers that surround us.
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