Mmmm, Friday. Last night we were able to spend some quality time with our good friend, Evan Bluetech . We showed him the gallery, shared a cocktail, and took him to our favorite little Italian restaurant . Luca, owner and all-around personable sweetheart, graced us with his service and updates of things to come. The wine was rich, the food was tasty, and the conversation was stimulating. When we got back home, Evan introduced me properly to Eddie Izzard via DVD. He�s right, I found Eddie to be hilarious! Sharp, bright wit and wacky commentary.
In other news - my father is at the border of Korea right now, the morning after South Korea ousted their leader and beefed up security in the same area wherein my father is working. He called me last night, said things were �interesting� over there, but nothing he could say over the phone. Things have always been tumultuous over there, for each of the many months my father has been there on business, so I�m not terribly concerned. However, I am still keeping him in my thoughts and wishing him strength and peace of mind, as well as a safe return.
Pop Pop is in the hospital, and my mother is very upset. She�s planning to go back east in April, might kick it up a few weeks, seeing as his condition is unstable. Hemorrhaging in the brain, among other problems she didn�t completely understand. From her words, the tone of her voice, I can tell that my mother is not ready to accept the possibility of her father�s impending death. She said things like, �it�s okay, though, because he�s with great doctors, and I think they�re going to pull him through.� Hemorrhaging in the brain ? Late 80s? A slew of other health issues, up to and including various forms of cancer and disease? Pull him through? Maybe. For another few months of hospital living. Maybe. Is that a good thing for him? For you?
These are questions that run through my head, but I have no answers. I don�t like to watch her suffer and worry. But I know how comfortable she is in that state, so I�m not going to interfere right now. My love�s mother arrives into town this afternoon. He will take her to dinner while I dine locally with Honey. I�m looking forward to my weekend. Dinner with a friend, gathering with friends, day in the park, evening with friends, art, and M.s.�s family, and some homework.
At some point, I really need to write in my journal. I have a lot of random thoughts that need developing, and they will only grow and flourish in the proper environment - a pen in my hand, a book on my lap, and silence all around.
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