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Do Me a Favor, I'll Love you for Life

OhmygodOhmygodOhmygod!!! Tonight! I�m so excited! We�re going to have such a great time, and it�s going to be such a great show, an amazing experience!! WOO HOO!! Whew!

Ah, and it�s Friday. And the lawyers are away today, so I might have a moment to get something done for once. Sigh. I�m in a great mood this morning. Last night, M.s. and I went out for sushi (and by �went out for sushi� I mean he ate sushi and I had chicken, well-done). Hayama is always a fun experience, with a most-talented and very humorous sushi chef.

Anyone want to earn 50 bucks? I want all of my journal entries printed out and given to me in a binder. All of them. All several hundred pages of my bullshit. The price is negotiable. I just don�t have the means or the time to do this myself, so I�m willing to pay someone else to do it for me. Maybe I�d pay 100. I really want them on paper.

Email me if you�re interested in helping me out here, I�d be REALLY REALLY grateful!

I was in a meeting the other night (you know, the big meeting in which we aired our dirty laundry?) and at one point, my boss said, �We all want better lives, so we all need to work together so that we can have them.� This is when I interrupted her - �Actually, I have a pretty good life,� I said quietly with a smile. She replied, �Well not everyone can have a perfect boyfriend and a wonderful life, BARB, so fuck off for this part, the rest of us need better lives.� She was kidding, of course, and we all laughed. But I wasn�t kidding. I have a pretty good life, and better yet � I know it.


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Do Me a Favor, I'll Love you for Life 2004-03-19 9:42 a.m. OhmygodOhmygodOhmygod!!! Tonight! I�m so excited! We�re going to have such a great time, and it�s going to be such a great show, an amazing experience!! WOO HOO!! Whew!

Ah, and it�s Friday. And the lawyers are away today, so I might have a moment to get something done for once. Sigh. I�m in a great mood this morning. Last night, M.s. and I went out for sushi (and by �went out for sushi� I mean he ate sushi and I had chicken, well-done). Hayama is always a fun experience, with a most-talented and very humorous sushi chef.

Anyone want to earn 50 bucks? I want all of my journal entries printed out and given to me in a binder. All of them. All several hundred pages of my bullshit. The price is negotiable. I just don�t have the means or the time to do this myself, so I�m willing to pay someone else to do it for me. Maybe I�d pay 100. I really want them on paper.

Email me if you�re interested in helping me out here, I�d be REALLY REALLY grateful!

I was in a meeting the other night (you know, the big meeting in which we aired our dirty laundry?) and at one point, my boss said, �We all want better lives, so we all need to work together so that we can have them.� This is when I interrupted her - �Actually, I have a pretty good life,� I said quietly with a smile. She replied, �Well not everyone can have a perfect boyfriend and a wonderful life, BARB, so fuck off for this part, the rest of us need better lives.� She was kidding, of course, and we all laughed. But I wasn�t kidding. I have a pretty good life, and better yet � I know it.