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My GOD, you people!

�Life is like a library owned by an author. In it are a few books which he wrote himself, but most of them were written for him.� - Harry Emerson Fosdick

What a name, Fosdick, what a name. Alright, America... what is it you are so afraid of? That if we take the word God out of the pledge of allegiance, we will all become heathens? Do you worry that the other countries will think we�ve strayed from the flock? �Almost nine in 10 people said the reference to God belongs in the pledge despite constitutional questions about the separation of church and state, according to an Associated Press poll,� is what the article reads. Yes, but nine in 10 people (how consistent we are to MLA, sweet Tribune) are ignorant and narrow-minded.

Don�t you see the contradiction? They embrace the idea but cannot accept the reality. Yes, separation of church and state is a wonderful idea! What? You�re going to CHANGE things? What will happen? Who will we become? But isn�t this supposed to be GOOD? Good-GOD, I simply don�t know what to do because I�m a narrow-minded traditionalist with absolutely no adaptability! Help, Supreme Court! HELP!

This will be interesting. If we follow the rules to the letter, we will find that it is, in fact, not constitutional to keep the word in our pledge. It�s no surprise that more college graduates agree that the word is inappropriate given America�s conviction that it is the melting pot of the world. And it doesn�t surprise me either to find that born-again Christians are the most up-in-arms over the word�s removal.

Did I tell you I recently read The Life of Pi by Yann Martel? Fascinating read, really. One of my favorite passages was about the strong belief by most who practice religion that other religions are somehow wrong . We know nothing of tolerance. We know nothing of acceptance.

Removing one religious symbol after another from our legal proceedings and from our schools is merely a step towards becoming who we think we already are. For all of you who balk and resist, for fear of the slippery slope, I must say the following: you know nothing of God, and you have no right to decide his language or her people.


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My GOD, you people! 2004-03-24 10:23 a.m. �Life is like a library owned by an author. In it are a few books which he wrote himself, but most of them were written for him.� - Harry Emerson Fosdick

What a name, Fosdick, what a name. Alright, America... what is it you are so afraid of? That if we take the word God out of the pledge of allegiance, we will all become heathens? Do you worry that the other countries will think we�ve strayed from the flock? �Almost nine in 10 people said the reference to God belongs in the pledge despite constitutional questions about the separation of church and state, according to an Associated Press poll,� is what the article reads. Yes, but nine in 10 people (how consistent we are to MLA, sweet Tribune) are ignorant and narrow-minded.

Don�t you see the contradiction? They embrace the idea but cannot accept the reality. Yes, separation of church and state is a wonderful idea! What? You�re going to CHANGE things? What will happen? Who will we become? But isn�t this supposed to be GOOD? Good-GOD, I simply don�t know what to do because I�m a narrow-minded traditionalist with absolutely no adaptability! Help, Supreme Court! HELP!

This will be interesting. If we follow the rules to the letter, we will find that it is, in fact, not constitutional to keep the word in our pledge. It�s no surprise that more college graduates agree that the word is inappropriate given America�s conviction that it is the melting pot of the world. And it doesn�t surprise me either to find that born-again Christians are the most up-in-arms over the word�s removal.

Did I tell you I recently read The Life of Pi by Yann Martel? Fascinating read, really. One of my favorite passages was about the strong belief by most who practice religion that other religions are somehow wrong . We know nothing of tolerance. We know nothing of acceptance.

Removing one religious symbol after another from our legal proceedings and from our schools is merely a step towards becoming who we think we already are. For all of you who balk and resist, for fear of the slippery slope, I must say the following: you know nothing of God, and you have no right to decide his language or her people.