�Humor � the ability to laugh at life � is right at the top, with love and communication, in the hierarchy of our needs.� � Sara Davidson
Oh, ain�t it! God, I�ve been doing so much writing for other venues, I�ve been neglecting my darling diary. Both of them! I�m still trying to develop a routine here. It�s hard to designate �work hours� for something that doesn�t seem like �work.� Confucius said, �Do what you love and you�ll never have to work another day in your life.� So true. Now I have to brag for a moment�
Apparently, the great Peter Sprague picked up a Reader with my face on it this past weekend (thanks to my sister, who made sure to bring them to the big party in Jamul), and he loved it! He told my sister he�d be checking out my web site after he read the whole article. Now if he does, he�ll know that, if my sister did not embellish the story, I am giddy with delight.
Last night, M.s. and I took Curious G out to dinner. The Mission Hills Caf�, where I usually go if I want to linger a bit, and catching up with a great friend like Curious G was a situation that called for lingering. We reminisced about our crazy, 3-day-long parties, and agreed that we are both happy to have had them in our lives, and happy they are over. Excess is fun to experience, but in the end, it becomes tiring and superfluous. M.s. sat patiently through our recanting, and after tasty crepes all around, we bid each other adieu.
Tomorrow I will be taking care of my baby niece for a few hours (what a joy!), but today I have a LOT of shit to take care of. I have to call the school and pay for these last classes I took (ouch) and I have to not let them scare me into going back. The last email threatened �serious academic and financial consequences.� Right. For YOU. We�ll see what happens. This is the deal � I�ve decided that slowly working my way up the corporate ladder is not my dig, baby, so you can�t convince me that an accelerated degree in Business Management from the University of Phoenix is going to make my life any better or easier. I no longer care about organizational behavior and critical decision-making and how it pertains to business. The next class I�m taking will either be Japanese or CBT and what it can do for your libido. I think I�ll tell them that. Because I�m going to call and get this shit wrapped up right now.
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