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Travel is Upon Me! and some other shit

�We have just enough religion to make us hate but not enough to make us love one another.� � Jonathan Swift

This morning I destroyed M.s. in the best of ways. Sigh, love. Pick up a Reader! Page 104 this week, my wonderful readers. A little update on a new bar, and I�ll be hanging there tonight to celebrate. This weekend is packed tight. Tomorrow night a music show, Saturday night a music show, Sunday Father�s Day, and Monday we hit the road!

M.s. and I are driving up the coast. He�s going to a seminar regarding the photographic book he�s working on getting published, and me, I�ll be enjoying the trip. Working on a secret project (shhhhhh!), relaxing, and just being away from the hullabaloo. We�ll be staying in some fun looking hotels (including Inn of the Spanish Garden and Inn at Morro Bay ) on the way up, the languorous way to travel. When we reach Monterey, M.s. will be attending his seminar for a few days, and I�ll split my time between checking out that aquarium I�ve heard so much about, and writing from the balcony of our luxury room-with-a-view. We�ll be gone a week, but I�ll have internet access along the way, and I promise to let you know if anything� interesting happens.

Dinner with Nancy was wonderful last night! We went to my favorite Italian restaurant, Antico Toscano, on University. Luca�s new Bolognese is his mother�s own recipe, and he arrives every morning before the staff gets in to make the secret sauce. It was delicious!

Tomorrow morning I get to watch my baby niece for an hour or so, a little downtime in this hectic life. Some much appreciated downtime with a very loved little girl. M.s. is sitting next to me here, pouring over my latest column� he�s the greatest editor, though I must tell you, the editors at the Reader are plenty wonderful. These people know what they�re doing, and who knew I still had so much to learn? Just kidding, I knew. I don�t pretend to be perfect, I just pretend that I�m pretending to be. I�m pissed that I�ll be missing Cabana Boy�s birthday party next week! It�s sure to be a fun one. I�m working on getting Ollie Ababwa�s ass back down here, we need more tattoos on this block.

For now, I need to see if this column is bleeding yet from the punctures of M.s.�s pen. Wish me luck!


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Travel is Upon Me! and some other shit 2004-06-17 2:18 p.m. �We have just enough religion to make us hate but not enough to make us love one another.� � Jonathan Swift

This morning I destroyed M.s. in the best of ways. Sigh, love. Pick up a Reader! Page 104 this week, my wonderful readers. A little update on a new bar, and I�ll be hanging there tonight to celebrate. This weekend is packed tight. Tomorrow night a music show, Saturday night a music show, Sunday Father�s Day, and Monday we hit the road!

M.s. and I are driving up the coast. He�s going to a seminar regarding the photographic book he�s working on getting published, and me, I�ll be enjoying the trip. Working on a secret project (shhhhhh!), relaxing, and just being away from the hullabaloo. We�ll be staying in some fun looking hotels (including Inn of the Spanish Garden and Inn at Morro Bay ) on the way up, the languorous way to travel. When we reach Monterey, M.s. will be attending his seminar for a few days, and I�ll split my time between checking out that aquarium I�ve heard so much about, and writing from the balcony of our luxury room-with-a-view. We�ll be gone a week, but I�ll have internet access along the way, and I promise to let you know if anything� interesting happens.

Dinner with Nancy was wonderful last night! We went to my favorite Italian restaurant, Antico Toscano, on University. Luca�s new Bolognese is his mother�s own recipe, and he arrives every morning before the staff gets in to make the secret sauce. It was delicious!

Tomorrow morning I get to watch my baby niece for an hour or so, a little downtime in this hectic life. Some much appreciated downtime with a very loved little girl. M.s. is sitting next to me here, pouring over my latest column� he�s the greatest editor, though I must tell you, the editors at the Reader are plenty wonderful. These people know what they�re doing, and who knew I still had so much to learn? Just kidding, I knew. I don�t pretend to be perfect, I just pretend that I�m pretending to be. I�m pissed that I�ll be missing Cabana Boy�s birthday party next week! It�s sure to be a fun one. I�m working on getting Ollie Ababwa�s ass back down here, we need more tattoos on this block.

For now, I need to see if this column is bleeding yet from the punctures of M.s.�s pen. Wish me luck!